Fins That you'll never find: A Tori Amos Gallery
 Fins that you'll never find: a tori amos gallery

Welcome to Fins that You'll Never Find:A Tori Amos Gallery
PLEASE sign my guestbook !
I know what you are thinking, another Tori Amos page???
But this is basically my own personal storage space for some of my favorites.
Here you will find links ,original artwork, photos etc.
Hope you enjoy !

Newest Updates:

Also visit Precious Threads: My Online Tori Amos Shirt Resource Gallery !

Who are You in the Tori Amos Universe?

Not So New Updates:
Boot trading page finally updated(5/23/00)
My Link Page is Finally Up!!!!!(4/18/00)

Photos from the new book
Tori Amos for Fingerstyle Guitar w/tablature.

Meet and greet pictures from 10/14/98
Also more new pictures added in my photos section

questions or comments email me @

copyright 1999, all graphics created by Devan
last updated 9/13/01

This page is NOT associated with the Fins that You'll Never Find ring, if you're looking for the ring please go here. , it's worth the trip!!!