Melissa's Home Page

warrior Melissa's Home Page warrior

Poetry, fun and interesting downloads, song lyrics and midi files await you here. Come take a peek at my little corner of the net. A little something for everyone. :o)

Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? Where's the street wise hurcules to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a shining steed? Late at night I toss and I turn and dream of what I need! I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong, And he's gotta be fast, And he's gotta be fresh from the fight; I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure, And it's gotta be soon, And he's gotta be larger than life! ... Somewhere after midnight In my wildest fantasy Somewhere just beyond my reach There's someone reaching back for me. Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet - I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong, And he's gotta be fast, And he's gotta be fresh from the fight; I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure, And it's gotta be soon, And he's gotta be larger than life ... Up where the mountains meet the heavens above Out where the lightning splits the sea I would swear that there's someone somewhere Watching me Through the wind and the chill and the rain And the storm and the flood I can feel his approach Like the fire in my blood - I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong, And he's gotta be fast, And he's gotta be fresh from the fight; I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure, And it's gotta be soon, And he's gotta be larger than life ...................... performed by Bonnie Tyler - from the album Secret Dreams and Forbidden Fires song by Jim Steinman...............................

P.S No more holding, I found him. :o)
Hi! Thanks for dropping in! This is the first time I have updated in quite sometime. So many suprises awaited me when I brought up my page again today. Time to come in and clean out the cobwebs and throw out/edit the (uhum) TRASH.

So what is the news these days? I am engaged to be married! Yes the middle of last December Mitch treated me to a lovely dinner at Sirloins inn and proposed to me on his knee in the middle of the restarant. The ring was a lovely 2 carrot marquee cut diamond. We have set the date for August 5th and wedding plans are off and running. The colors will be maroon, ivory and silver and Kayleigh will be my maid of honor. Ben will be Mitch's best man. I will try to keep you updated about all the exciting things that are going on in the next few months as I have time. For a look at my husband to be, follow the link further down the page.

Also, Please take some time to browse through all of my neat little thingies I have here. My page is a bit like my home, a little of this and a little of that but always a nice warm place to relax, laugh and take a load off! I will update as often as I am able :o)

I have been online for around 2 years now and when I am you can find me on MSN as Mslissa or on AOL as Mslissab. I also hang out on ICQ (I seek you) and AOL instant messenger. I have been online for around 2 years now. And before MSN made its changes, I could be found in World of Dreams when MSN was still classic. (oh those where the days sigh) There I met lots of very good friends that remain some of my very best bud s to this day. (I love ya Lin, Sam, Dave, Phil, Chad, Diane, Jerome! *vbs* AND of course, the best of my best buds....CHRIS! Love ya Beaster!) And later I met one of my very very best friends who remains very dear to my heart. Jon, you are one of the most understanding, patient, sweetest guys I know and even though we don't get to talk much anymore, you know you are still very special to me. Nowdays, I rarely chat anymore, but every now and then I find my way to here and there, depending on how my MOOD catches me. *wink *

A little about myself, I am a divorced soon to be remarried mother of a beautiful 10 year old daughter. She is the joy of my life. *vbs *

So, what is it I do for fun you ask? When I am not working and when I am not playing around online, you can find me hanging out with my CRAZY friends (normal? what is normal? LOL) from a local singles group here in my area or spending time with my wonderful husband to be at his house down the road. And one of my hobbies is writing poetry which you will find here on my poetry pages. I am very proud of my poems and think they are quite good. Maybe you will too! :o)

My next web page project will be adding some music lyrics and midi files that I plan to use in the wedding. Then maybe some more pictures. And of course after the wedding I will be posting some wedding pictures to share, so keep in touch!

Well, have fun looking around. Take your time and please sign my guestbook to let me know you were here.

mask Take a look at my poems!mask

Happy Poems These are pink, cheery and happy go lucky with a few broken heart pieces.
Sad Poems (Some older pieces that I wrote a very long time ago. ) )
Poems that my Friends and Relatives have written. This is open to submissions!

Other places of interest on my site:
new Melissa's Preschool pages Want to know why I quit being a preschool teacher? Here's why!.
downloads Some of my most favorite files! Practical joke files, fun files and wavs.
newMelissa's Favorite Songs Lyrics and sound files of some of my favorite songs!

Here is a pic of my Daughter! Its an old one, about 2 years ago. I don't have a current one scanned cause I don't have a scanner but she just got her school pics done, so I will have a current one done soon.

AND finally, here is a pic of me! Thanks Cindy!!!

Here is where you can read about Mitch, my fiancée. There are a couple pictures here although not to good. But better than nothing. Go HERE to find out all about him.

Questions, comments, complaints? Email me!

Sign my Guestbook View my Guestbook



May the warm winds of heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your mocassins
Make happy tracks
In many snows,
And may the rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Links to other sites on the Web

Daydee's WorldThis is a link to my friend's daughters webpage. She did such a good job. Visit her and sign her guestbook!
Tkwndokid's Page and Nowdancing's Page Cindy's Pages--one of my best friends.
Melissa's Icq Whitepage contact me on the icq network, download icq, and view my icq info page.
Bela's Homepage My German exchange student friend--He is a really neat person. I just wish I knew how to read German! Anyone have a transation book? hehe NO he is in the process of putting some english there I think, still a neat page!
Magic 105 on the Web!Listen to my favorite radio station HERE! Classic Rock and Roll, Tommy and Big Dave in the morning.
Northern Cherokee Nation of Misourri and Arkansas My Great-Grandmother was full Cherokee indian. This page has some very good information and history about the Cherokee as well as information about today's Cherokee people.
Veggie Tales on the Web Veggie Tales is a very cute Computer Animated Video series for Children but is hilarious for adults too! Here is a list of the very best Veggie Tale sites on the web to check out what it is all about!
Ya'll come back now, ya hear?

The Webrings I belong to:

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The Amateur Poetry WebRing
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