Ouro Preto´s street



To be in Minas Gerais seens like to get back in the time for a while and feel how life was in the colonial períod, to stay for a while in cities that still have its original characteristics where the time seens to have stopped just to make you feel at home.



Diamantina City


You just have to see Minas to love it, here you can meet the past in such a real way that you will feel that sensation as the time got back a lile just for you see how it was.


A great scenery, a special people and that feeling certainly will do you come back soon to see if all were really thruth.




It is history to be shared.

To get back in the time and see here and there beautiful historical landscapes, those we forgot in the old books of our boyhood.

Past, present and future, is all here in Minas Gerais,

just jump in the time and see.






Belo Horizonte is the start to unforgetable tours..


Ouro Preto



Ouro Preto is nowadays the world´s bigest homogen groupment of "barroco". Here there are still preserved, 300 years after, the fantastic churchs, the palaces, o colonial houses and the South America oldest theater, the Opera House , 1770.





Ouro Preto

Ouro Preto was the first brasilian city that received the label of humanity´s cultural patrimony.

Ouro Preto, Diamantina, Tiradentes...

Belo Horizonte


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