Publishing this homepage I´m trying to divulgate my personal view of the city, my work, BH itself and some Minas Gerais state cities, a piece of all I like more in this city including people, way of life, parties, historical cities and the subjects that once took my atention by its beauty, sipplicity and/or had facinated me.

  Bloco dos Catadores de Papel - Carnaval 1999

As a photographer I´ve got the opportunity to be where cultural events happens in Belo Horizonte. August is the folklore month and it is a theme that aways fascinates me. I hope you enjoy the images. Take a look and contact me.


Country People

To have the opportunity of live surrounded by that people and their traditions, their parties, their faith, makes me love more than ever this land of culture and tradition, were the modern and old live together in harmony, a place that mix faith and passion.

 Folklore in Ouro Preto

 Only a people like this, who loves their history, believe in their traditions and respect thenselves,they´ll still be alive in the XXI century and will still have this authentic groups as the congado, folia de reis,.


The colors we can only find here.

 People that only exist here.

 There is in Minas a pretty people to see, who, in their simpplicity, fascinates.



 Minas is a state that group simoutaneously rich areas e others extremaly poor ones.


 The regular is in the rich areas but what is really rich we can find only in the poor areas, there, the life is much more beautiful, the expressions are strong and the emotion sprows when we check out that in a such rich country there is this areas without any kind of atention by the governors.

 Children of a folklore group - Belo Horizonte

These places richness are the people, their actitude beyond the life,

this is a state that concentrates culture in lots of unexpected forms.


The São Gererê  quadrilha group

A people like this must be considered.

They bring us, with their simphaty, an idea of what the world could be.
copyright © 1998 - Geraldo dos Anjos