April , 1992 A simple very simple chap from Patna was convicted in DPS Jail for no offence ...(On paper he was charged for Innocence )...First few days were very haunting for Amitav.. Hostellers preferred to ignore him ..While Day scholars preferred to maintain safe distance.. Deskis(as day scolars were popularly known as ..this division was based more on one's personal characteristic than anything else..I mean there were many hostel residents who were labeled Deskis while many actually day scholars were more like hosteller ) Reader may dismiss my opinion biased in favour of Hosteller and that is right ...but my bias was justified ..staying in hostel ..getting involved in different activities at different levels of complication with different types of creatures was more than experience and a healthy one too..we learned a lot about this tough world and from very early age we could sense how difficult it is to survive ..While on one side of the fence we were exposed to bad ugly world ..parralel to this we were also showered with love care and share from other Hosts( hosteller ) who were more than ...more than...anything and they meannt more than anything
Where can you find me...