Homepage of a Beginner

.....so have pity.....



Hmmm...what to say what to say....Cussy a.k.a. Chrissy turned 18 on November 4. So now I've entered the thrill of lottery tickets. I'm a senior at a high school located in a hole in the earth about 30 miles NW of Milwaukee where everyone smells like beer belches and beef jerky. Next year I'll either be headed off to Notre Dame or the U of Arkansas...ask me which I pick on May 1. I love sports, laughing, being with friends, watching movies, listening to music...the whole teenage shabang. Sports...SOCCER is #1, of course. I played it for like 12 years but am done with competitive stuff now. My # was always 13, just like the Cobi-master located up hither. Click here for a buncha pics of me and my teams. ****NEW my one of my senior pics! (cue the trumpets)**** I also play tennis, and attempt to golf. OK OK update time (as if anybody comes back and keeps reading this anyway, eh?). I quit Video Hell because the hours/pay sucked and I got a new job at a really old shop that sells gifts and collectibles (like Precious Moments and those damned Beanie Babies). So far I haven't broken anything (important) and I'm loving it a lot more. After making it through the holidays, I now am an expert wrapper so come in and just TRY and challenge me.

Hey and didja check out the FOX at the top? Now look at the shrine I started building for my hunkahunkaburninlove! Just click HERE!!

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Holy Hill...the BEAUTIFUL church I go to
BERT IS EVIL!The truth FINALLY comes out!
Tickle Elmo!You know you want to!

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OR... girly@geocities.com

visitors since I got my act together on November 18, 1997

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