Welcome to the SouthBeach Community Leaders Search Engine. Through this search engine, you will be able to find a community leader that can answer you, if you have specific questions about graphics, programs, and even language.
To use this search engine...
You will need a Java Script enabled browser.
You can input multiple keywords by separating each keyword by a +.
The search is non-case sensitive.
Put specific keywords into it.. such as PaintShop+Spanish.. to find a community leader who can help you with and/or one who can speak/read spanish.
Be sure to hit start search and not your enter key.
If your search turns up no results, try other keywords, or you can check in your surburb for a community leader who can help you.
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SouthBeach Liaisons:
Kim Howell
Scott Berry
Tuesday, 07-Dec-99 23:52:09 PST