Toronto Workers Kookaburra's
                                                                                   Affiliated with:
Toronto,  New South Wales,  Australia  
Major Sponsor: Toronto Workers Club
Established 1959
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Last update
8th April 2009
* Club News
* Photo's from the 80's
* Photo's
* Code Of Conduct
* History
* Selections
* Profiles
* Statistics
* Club Song
* Cricket Links
* Rep Players
* Committee
* Captains
* Contact the Kooka's
* Sponsors
* Life Members
* Past Office Bearers
2nd Grade Premiership Team v's Merewether - No.2 Sports Ground - 08/09
Also, the Club’s Annual Presentation is on the 30th May, 2009 @ 6.30pm
@ Toronto Workers Club. With the success of the Club in its 50th season, it’s
sure to be a great night. Congratulations to all grades on a very successful season.

The Club’s “End of Season Trip” details are
on the “Club News” Page.

Club Championship Winners by 40 points
1st Grade Minor Premiership & Finalists
2nd Grade Premiers
3rd Grade Premiers
4th Grade Minor & Major Premiers
SCG Country Cup Semi Finalists
Tom Locker Cup Semi Finalists
Dennis Broad Cup Winners

Click on the links below to see the Final score cards for each grade.
1st Grade     2nd Grade     3rd Grade     4th Grade      Dennis Broad Cup
Presidents End of Season Message
(click above link to read message)
Garry Mott holding the
3rd Grade Premiership Shield
Singo and Chicka with
the 4th Premiers Shield