mr.LOVE's Homepage

Hi, my name is Robert(mr.LOVE) I live in Montreal,Quebec in Canada I'm 20 years old have green eyes and short brown hair, with a nice smile and cute dimples, I'm 5'11" weigth 180 pounds and well firm. I'm in college studing Police Tec and hoping one day to be a secret service agent for my country. I enjoy many things that life has to offer and especially the feeling of LOVE!! If you are in LOVE with someone or have experinced it sometime in your life you know what I'm talking about...the magical feeling that flows all threw your body and your heart skips a beat everytime you see your love while taking your breath away...Love to me is a powerful word so you won't see me using that word very offen unless I mean it. I enjoy sky diving very much, if you ever get a chance to do this amazing sport by all means don't let it pass you by, its a rush you will never forget, HEY YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE RIGHT! I enjoy playing sports to keep myself in shape also like going clubing on the weekend to release my stress and parting the night away. Well I'll stop here so if you would like to get to know me more just come down to Chathouse and look me up and I'll be glad to answer or chat with you about anything...Well enjoy my page!!
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Let me introduce you to all my friends:

My Darling Dove

*StrawberryWine* Hmmmm where do i start, Dove your eyes captivate me each time I gaze into them,while your voice is music to my ears and the touch of your soft hands pressed accross my face makes my heart skip a beat, leaving me breathless and your seductive smile as your most potent weapon. are the greatest thing that came in my life and i cherrish you very close to my heart! I'm so glad that we meet making me feel so special inside leaving me with a warm smile before i go to bed just thinking about you..... holding you tight in my arms for you are my angel from the sky granting my every wish......i hope ower feelings for eachother grows into something that we both like to expirence together called "LOVE"....*passionet HUGS & KISSES* love Always Robert (mr.LOVE)
For You!

H.O.L.L.Y. (A.K.A) Lady H a truly fun person to chat with.....also loving and caring....Lanny you take good care of this one!! *s*
Pamela...(A.K.A)...Hot Little House Wife: My mother in cyberspace and a true friend i hold her near and dear to my heart
Bill Clit'n: This is Pamelas's man, a great FUNNY guy with a great sence of humor, he's always in and outta chathouse doing his thang!
Hammer: Coolest guy on the net...Holly's cyberfather and my soon to be father-in-law..all around great guy!
Jasrin: Pamela's older sister, fun to chat with and aways full of life
Dr.Java: The man with all the moves to plaese you with his animated gif's...Hammer's working buddy and good friend!
SassyLilly: Gotta love her very funny and and very can talk about anything with her while making you feel comfortable,and all round classy lady
Captain Trip:
The Gatekeeper of the "Gang" cool happening dude with style!
DP24: My best friend coolest guy you'll ever come across with, Dating Holly's sister Mitzi, where by Holly set them both up talk about the Connection!
Lady SoftBall: Mitzi a brigth young exciting, beautifull and warm caring person who's lucky to have a great man!!!

Treasure: Where can i start to explain her....for starters she's the most caring loving most honest women i came accross and her man is CAM lucky guy!
Cam: Treasure's man, a great guy who had alot to offer he's warm passionet and all round classy wonder Treasure has fallen for him!!
Deven(69)..A.K.A..Jennifer Brownhill: My first true friend i found on the net she's very special to me and i hold a special place in my heart for her and is getting married to a great guy named ADAM! wish you two the best of luck!!!
Lanny Mc: A cool happening dude who can make anyone's day, ladies he's one great guy and i promise you you'll never stop laughing when he's in a room with us
Strut'in Her Stuff: A sweet incredable lady with class,and so full of life,she can put a smile on any man's face and make his wishs come true,a great special friend of mine
RED: A lady with style,who can but a smile on my face and make me laugh at any time when up or down, a very special person in my life i hold hernear and dear to my heart, she'll always be my KIMMY!!!

now for the rest of my cyberfriends!

Apollo,Red,Crystal,Little Lady,Moon,Lip Smacker,Princess Buttercup,Shadow(f),Weda,BooBoo,~JAS~,CCKID,*Goldie* and anyone else if i forgot to put your name on sorry and let me know......

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