Whitehaven Beach
While camping on plantain Island in Queensland, I came across this spider when taking a trip out to the bush toilet. Notice the look on my face! AHHHH!
Stockton Beach-Port Stephens
These pictures are from a trip Nathan and I took out to Stockton beach-Port Stephens, just north of Newcastle. The top two are of stockton beach: a 30 mile streach of beach and HUGE sand dunes. There is even a hidden city out there in the dunes that they have to dig out all the time or else it will be burried. The next three are at port stephens on a dolphin watching cruise. It was a beautiful cruise, but the dolphins were a little less than social. I think I caught my sister's curse of frightening them away. Luckly Nathan and I were able to find the bar on the boat. VB anyone??
Around Terrigal and the Central Coast
The picture on the left is on Nathan and I at Spoon Bay and the picture on the right is of Artemis and I standing at the top of Terrigal's landmark the "skillion"
Christmas BBQ dinner. I ate them!
The Blue Mountains
This is the view from Katoomba looking out on the Three Sisters.
Central Australia
That's me before we hiked around the Olgas. That's me at Palm Valley!
The top left picture was taken at Port Arthur. It served as a convict prison for all those unfortunate people who were transported from England for stealing a loaf of bread. It was such a beautiful scerene place, but had a very sad and grusome past. The top right picture is at Dove Lake...that's Cradle mountain in the background. Bottom left we have historic Richmon near Hobart with it's famous convict built bridge in the background...that's my Mom and Sharen sitting with me. Lastly, we have one of the funniest signs I have ever seen. Only in Tasmania...