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Top Sites
Australian Pagan Alliance A networking and information service for Pagans within Australia.
The Witches Voice One of the best Witchcraft sites on the net, dedicated to correcting the misinformation spread about Witches and their religion. Don't miss the networking section, it has hundreds of Australian and international listings.
White Dragon Interesting Witchcraft magazine from the English Midlands, covering earth mysteries, northern traditions and the occult.
PaganPath.com A wonderful site for advanced Wicca practitioners, and has Tarot and magickal gardening information.
Ashlynn's Grove Over 25 megabytes of info on Witchcraft, Paganism, Alchemy, and divination.
The Temple The collection of essays and articles is fascinating, and so are the web site reviews.
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The Craft An excellent site for those new to the Craft, with quality introductory information on Witchcraft, the Sabbats (northern hemisphere), tools, and the Book of Shadows.
Joelle's Sacred Grove A beautifully presented and interesting site with Celtic history, art and links as well as standard introductory Wiccan info.
Catala's Wicca Page Pretty site with a wealth of information on the basics of Wicca.
Lunar Shadows Network Learn about Wiccan lore and practice, Witchcraft, Goddess worship and much more from this extensive website.
Mama Rose's Kitchen The Bookshelf is enormous, and covers Kitchen Witchcraft, Dianic Wicca, divination, rituals spells.. and much more.
A Witch's Cauldron Extensive info on all the staple basics of Witchcraft - crystals, herbs, writing spells and so on. The Witchcraft 101 lessons are particularly good.
Out of the Besom Closet Take your time reading through the Green Witch Grimoire, Electronic Book of Shadows, a few Tarot deck reviews and finally, join one of the study groups on Angie's site.
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Australian Pages
Stella Australis Laren's site has extensive Australian Pagan information. The sections on Oz Media and Religious Rights are essential reading.
Vanessa's Pagan Place Herb, ecology and folklore information, and tips for the frugal Pagan on this huge site.
Temple of the Dark Moon An Adelaide-based Pagan group, offering almost 100 pages of info on Paganism, Wicca and Wytchcraft. Includes a good section on Paganism Down Under.
Lucretia's Reflections Thoughts on practising Wicca and herbalism in the Southern Hemisphere.
Marmy's Broom Closet Well done Australian Witch's site with an nature theme and some interesting spells.
Temple of the Sacred Spiral A local Brisbane group is responsible for this huge website. It has a number of in-depth lessons on aspects of paganism, an extensive list of Australian links, and much more.
The Witches Workshop Lilitu Babalon's fairly extensive home on the web has info on crystals, the environment, chakras, reiki and more.
Wyrd Spider Creating An interesting Victorian website with information on a wide range of topics from Gnosis to sabbats in the Southern Hemisphere.
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Enchanted Art A collection of enchanting fantasy artwork by Jessica Galbreth. Featuring fairies, dragons, goddesses and characters from medieval legends.
Mystic Wicks Free pagan web community with groups for every conceivable pagan topic. They also run online classes on magick, rituals, qabbalah, divination and more.
Book of Shadows of the Riders of the Crystal Wind A downloadable collection of rituals, poetry and lore from a US-based coven. It's over 3000 pages long and an incredible resource.
Omphalos This link directory calls itself The Centre of the Pagan Web. The layout is nice, and there's plenty of Pagan and Pagan-related links.
Encyclopaedia Mythica Information on any just about any deity or mythological figure in remembered history.
Explore the Sacred Sites Images and lore of sacred sites from all over the world. Visit Machu Pichu, Avebury, Luxor, the Temple of Hera, and many others.
Lunabar Almanack A handy little program that shows the moon phase and sign in your taskbar, and provides void of course tables and moon rising and setting times as well.
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Notable Pagans
Silver Ravenwolf Author of many popular Witchcraft books, including the series To Ride a Silver Broomstick, To Stir a Magic Cauldron and To Light a Sacred Flame.
Starhawk The Spiral Dance was the inroduction for many to Goddess worship and feminism. I loved her recent books, The Fifth Sacred Thing and Walking to Mercury.
Laurie Cabot The most well-known Witch in Salem, Massachusetts. She's also the author of Power of the Witch, a book definitely worth reading, that focuses on the science of Witchcraft.
Isaac Bonewits Contains material about the author and also by him on topics such as Druidry, Neo-Paganism, magick, Witchcraft and more.
Robin Wood Visit Livingtree Grove, Robin Wood's homepage. She is creator of a self-titled Pagan oriented Tarot deck and seems pretty good at html too.
Raymond Buckland Well-known author of Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, and many other books on candle and colour magick, Seax Wicca, Scottish Witchcraft and more.
Fiona Horne Ex-lead singer of the Australian band Def FX who has recently released a book about herself and Wicca.
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Alliance of Solitary Practitioners Networking the world with over 300 members.
Pagan Profiles Easily find other Pagans in your area by searching the membership profiles by location.
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College of the Sacred Mists Online Wiccan college degree training. Students gain Wiccan degrees resulting in ordination into the priesthood. Our Pagan Extension Classes include tarot, candle magick, chakras, runes, divination, pendulum, crystals and much more for the working witch.
Pagan Profiles Easily find other Pagans in your area by searching the membership profiles by location.
PaganPoet Pagan poetry, forums, ecards and much more...
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