Here you'll find all the best of Black Sabbath including Lyrics, Tabs and Images. Undoubtedly the best band ever to grace Gods green earth Black Sabbath have become world known and recognised as one of the great bands of all time.






Once upon a time, not that long ago, the Great Dark Lord reached out through the void and cast his metallic glove across the land in search of the force to preach his word to the unbelieving masses. He scoured the land for many eons - from the cold and frozen North, ever Southward he moved - until he came to the place known as Aston in the middle lands. It was here that the ancient one found four young warriors who were destined to carry his power, not only through the Kingdom, but eventually across the oceans to enslave the whole world with their devastating metalliferous music. These four were known as John Michael Osborne, Anthony Frank Iommi, Terence Michael Butler and William Thomas Ward. For them it had been a hard life. The dream that their music would cross all language and political barriers was already burning deep inside all of them. Their collective name was ‘Pulka Tulk’ - a name which seemed to condemn them to obscurity. The name was changed to ‘Earth’ but this did little to help, and the warriors sunk lower into the pools of despond and despair.

Meanwhile, the Dark Lord was also influencing others in the land, and touched a soul who could help the chosen ones. He was known as James Simpson, and he offered the warriors the means to advance into the land and spread the word of the Dark Lord’s Kingdom. The Dark Lord sent other messages through a disciple called Dennis Wheatley, who spoke to Butler through the written word. The warriors started to grow in stature as the channelled power of the Dark Lord fed their inspiration. Long moons passed as the battle plans were drawn, and the warriors were given the weapons of conquest. Iommi was armed with a left-handed sonic axe ; Butler - bestowed with the subsonic power to weld together the crack between the worlds ; Ward - with a battery of percussion energised to rent the earth to the very core itself - and finally Ozzy, who was gifted with a voice which could rumble like summer thunder or scream with the might of a destructive lightning bolt.

Equipped with the gifts bestowed by the Dark Lord, the warriors began their journey towards the great city of lofty spires and golden streets, which lay far to the south of the kingdom. Here they would do battle with the powerful Barons of the recorded sound and written word - who cared nothing for the Dark Lords message. The warriors screamed across the country, drawing with them many followers who saw the old oppresive ways being shattered into a million jagged shards. The time of reckoning was at hand - ‘Shake in terror helpless mortals the time of BLACK SABBATH has begun." The ensuing battle was fought at monstrous volume, but the Barons were systematically beaten into submission. Word of the warriors conquest spread over the Kingdom as the Barons were forced to open the secretive lines of communication which had always been so carefully guarded against change by the Lords of the old ways. The time of BLACK SABBATH had arrived - and the Dark Lord sat in his high place and watched as, with the passing of time, all in his kingdom bowed down before their might. The warriors became Lords but seemed almost to challenge the Dark Lord himself. There were attacks from without - and within. Old friends were lost and new ones found. Ozzy was seen as the figurehead of the Warriors power. He appeared to be almost possessed when the Band played, as the Dark Lord channelled his message through Ozzy’s very being. He could be seen as a maniacal, thrashing figure who flung himself around the stage with little regard for the conventions of the old ways.

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