Hi there..! You have just entered Markus Bartsch site on the "NeverEnding Web" so welcome to one of the most exiting places to be right now... or at least it's going to be, as soon as i have the time to do what I want to do with it... You will find a story over my life (only in swedish yet) and there are pictures of me and various stuff that has to do with me... Sitt back for a while and enjoy youre staying and listen to the music... There is some fun if you explore the sites linked to this and it would be fun if you would send me a mail with comments or at least signed my guestbook... Enjoy..!
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== Links and hints ==

My hometown
til nov 1'st -98

My hometown
from nov 1'st -98

More about me

Team Laven

Svenska Granada-

Power Big Meet



Axel Wictorin
Holger Henkel
Mats Ulestig

Do you want to
have youre link
here? mail me...

A story about some
men that I admire,
though i don't
approve of war...

"Ooooohhhh..!? Where am I..?" You might wonder...
OK, give me a second and I will let You know.

You have found the one and only place where I live on the net.
Markus Bartsch is the name of the guy that has created this site for
You to explore in the way You find the most appropriate...

Want to have some more information about me...?
OK klick the link on the left...
(including pics and a long story of my life... and it's growing...)


If there is any stuff on these pages that You want to use for Youre own purposes I would like
You to send me an
E-mail and notify what You are using. If anything that You find here make
Youre computer behave wierd or even crash, I will take no responsibility for that... bla... bla...

If you are looking for stuff of sexual kinky nature or other bizarre information, I can only make
you dissapointed, because there is nothing of that kind here to find...

Have a very nice life..!

This page was last uppdated 2001-12-07
ÓMarkus Bartsch




This rant is actually a cynical manipulation. Giant search engines will scan these words and index them, thereby pointing the enormous piercing eyes of mainstream America and the rest of the world such as Sweden and even little Andorra to gaze for a split second upon my little page. Thus I'll somehow become a more whole and substantiated human being, satisfied with the ignorant bliss of popularity and with my place in the world.  That’s the theory, anyway. 

Markus Bartsch Ludvika Dalarna Sweden Sverige handboll hemvärn Granada Ford hemsida homepage fun rolig kul häftig intresse kontakt brevvänner maila chatta leva livet vänner friends skoj vansinne historier story garva pinto bilar motorcykel suzuki kawazaki honda Västerås Vasteras GSX1100EF Sierra Bjurhovda lave Håksberg Haksberg Essex

Mom, dad, friends, please excuse me if there is words of sexual nature in this rant. Its meant only to draw attention and I am of course always as pure as the driven snow. Yasmine Bleeth spy Batman movie is a pointless visual trash heap of a movie Tyranosaurus Rex Chet Baker Ray Charles RENT musical  Shakespeare the Olympics was a horrible commercial advertising orgy with no ankles. Sinatra Buddha Jesse Helms Emily Dickenson Hooters when we die, we’re gone a trillion years hmm. Captain Morgan spiced rum I wonder what North Koreans talk about.."hmm. I'm hungry" something like that. compact disk players all sound the same, despite price. Toshiba - sold tech to Soviets - bad company - good television set.  Mark Minasi Speiser bible edition Spank athiest agnostic sex punday I miss Bloom County Playboy escorts Jennifer Aniston has pert bosoms and petal-soft skin Nazis Bonhoffer China’s industry growth will destroy the planet LA Confidential Bob Marley Drew Barrymore Robert Penn Warren Paul Simon Drew Carey Howard Stern platinum Woody Allen - a wonderful talent - just saw Everyone Says I Love You - great movie.  Lenin Winston Churchill Corolla Nissan Beatles Pinto Ford cars depreciate quickly, so I wonder if a used one is a better value Art Speigelman Crumb Yukio Hoshino Neil Gaiman Phillip Roth Robert Penn Warren Jewel Jim Carey Nabakov Lolita The Graduate Edgar Allen Poe Lovecraft  Why are we here? Homer Iliad is better than the Odyssey nightclubs fun power sig saur battleships dinosaurs breasts orgasm toastmasters Van Morrison genius democracy barely alive in America Alan Moore Mary Stuart Masterson Updike Charles Emerson Winchester Harvard robots ice cream peppers oranges China is a menace to the United States ER Contact good flick Beautiful  women have incredible power life is not fair Wynona Ryder General Macarthur was a warmongering menace, just like Netenyahu is today good thing Truman fired him Hemingway Spain bullfighting Novell George Mcgovern was a pacifist nerd Conan Obrien Letterman Rick Deitch Bob Dylan Garrison Keillor Cheers Cheetah tiger lion Kobren Latin America Pathfinder Mexico Bismark Robert Redford heartache militant weapons Jeep Toyota Microsoft Oliver Cromwell Turkey doesn't treat it's Kurds well there absolutely no child pornography on this site Hello officer! photography pimples Disney movies are worndeful Justinian Claudius Simpson Simpsons blood Atlanta Washington apples mice moose Augustus named August after himself bears grizzly grizzlies Neve Campbell Washington monument tension cretin imbecile Hitler Stalin Panzer Patton Tiger cat Bailey’s Tao Yin Yang Yellow River Brett Butler Phillip Roth Civil War Lincoln was an ugly man Star Wars strategy what will the world look like in fifty years? Turtles Bloom County Doonesbury Zonker Robotman Alcoholism Freud Id Newton Mass ego super-ego eels Japan China elephant blubber Eric Clapton Diana Jesus Star Trek convention anatomy true beauty of human or animal vitality & form Blind Melon is a pathetic band I hope never hear their horrible song again Vikings Walter Persig Thomas Wolf Clinton not nearly as scary as Republican Right Asimov baseball is a dull game football intense violent much better Cindy Crawford -not brilliantly beautiful to me Juliette Varga Larry Hardesty Lucent pears Ben & Jerry's Haagen Daz Stephen J. Gould Stephen Hawking Event Horizon Sweden Russia The Anastasia movie will be a commercial pillage. Hewlett Packard Iron man antibiotics slip toes please don't be offended by the words black negro colored guinea paddy Kanuck Hoosier Salinger Asimov E. Van Vogt - favorite unknown Sci -fi author - dead 1962.. Pumpernickel mushroom salad The Capeman - at 7 years per album, this may well be Paul Simon's last work.