- My name is Melanie (But everyone calls me Mel)
- I was born December, 18th, 1985
- I was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- I am currently living in Beaumont, Alberta, Canada. Moved when I was 8
- Got one older sister, Vanessa, she's 17
- I am 5"5 (I'm short)
- Weigh bout 110 pounds
- Hair color is brown with blonde streaks
- My eye color is dark brown
- Fave color is blue, any color of blue
- Sports I play are Volleyball, baseball, swimming, track and field, actually I luv all sports, I am very athletic!
- Fave music groups are Serial Joe, Eminem, Destiny's Child, anything played on Power 92!
- Got 2 pets, a Chinese Pug, named Sophie, and a Budgie (bird) named Zoey (she's a bitch) *L*
- Fave food is BBQ Ribs and pizza
- Fave drinks are Coca-cola, Mt.Dew, and coolers
- Fave actress(es) is Neve Campbell, and Jennifer Love Hewitt
- Fave actor(s) Josh Hartnett, Scott Vickaryous (Saw him before in West Ed Mall!!! HEEHEE! HOTTIE) and Mark Walhberg
- Fave movie is Empire Records
- Fave skool subjects are Gym and Social
- Fave hockey team is the Edmonton Oilers (Since I'm from Edmonton)
- Fave cars are Dodge Viper, BMW Roaster, Stingray, Ferrari, Porshes, and a Bugatti
- Fave brand name is the GAP, and Tommy Hilfiger, Silver and Adidas
- Perfume I wear is Freedom by Tommy Hilifiger
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