Shane's Page
Hey, welcome to my humble webspace...
I've got a few bits and pieces on here that I've collected or constructed.  Feel free to have a look
Here's a picture of me in some Sith Lord clothes with a red lightsaber.   This was rotoscoped in PSP Pro 8. The background is off Star Wars Episode 1 -  The Phantom Menace. Click Here This is a picture of my girlfriend's son, Jakai on the same background. Click Here A few years ago a friend of my family was touring around Australia with a  micro-light airplane, here are some shots I took on his digital camera.  Click here
To the right is an animated gif of me with a lightsaber.  This was done using the same techniques as the still pictures, but I was stoked when I figured out how to do movement with them!!!
Oh, and for my mum, here's a pic of me at my high school graduation.  Click Here
Click here for my guitars etc page.