
Tears, unlike raindrops,
Don't wash away my sadness;
They make me drown in it
Until i feel as if i'm suffocating
For i can't swim
And i can't breathe.

All visions of forgotten pain and past wrongs
Resurface in broken images
As in the few seconds before one dies.

Soon the tears turn into blood,
Blood that my broken heart sheds
As it slowly empties itself of life.

Why must i never show my tears to you?
If i did, would you attempt to comfort me?

What would you say if i were to show you
the scars that i hide in my mind?
Would you try to close the wounds?

When will i be strong enough to no longer hurt in silence?
Will i die without you ever meeting the lonely child i craddle inside?

The wave of time, like a grain of sand, has swept me away.
My body is young, but my mind is old.

The sorceress of life has already cast her spell on me,
And my faltered mind can barely resist the mystic powers of her craft.

Happiness surges,
But disappears by a single touch of her wand.

Emotions try to speak,
But my virgin voice is raped by her voice.

And i am left, alone,
Craddling my loneliness,
Trying to save it from the tide of my own sorrow.

Why can't i reach out for your help?
Would you even try to rescue me?