Table of  Contents
faq charge of the Goddess charge of the God
the laws
wiccan rede witches rune
the law of three
star of reference
pentagram reincarnation magick notes wicca shamanism
norse huna alchemy bruheria voudun
qabala western cerimonial magick moon phases day correspond. sign correspond.
element corespondances the kindoms of the divine the hierarchical scheme name number middle pillar exercise
mystic marriage divination zodiacs lexigrams ouija boards
archangels determine your archangel archangel sigils planet sigils name toning kings
nature spirits fragrances for spirit elementals determine elementals elemental combinations
vowel and astrological elements
fees white ladies spirit guide questions animal poem
totem animals familiars power animals find your animal totem shapeshifting
gem therepy color healing symbolism of color color days astral color
astral projection tools of a witch talisman table kamea glamour
unlucky days wedding day energy balls brewing initiation
altar circle casting and dispersing invoking the goddess and god invoking the elements cutting a doorway
children's prayer to establish space children's bedtime prayers
releasing the circle
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