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Huzaifa Kapadia

BioPsychology Major
University Of Michigan
This is me!!! I'm a student at the University of Michigan (Predental). I LOVE SKIING..i mean it's my life, and I would love to be a ski instructor, if I could make a decent living with it. Also, notice the symbolic background imagery..DEEP huh? It's snow!!

And I've travelled to the following places:

Saudia Arabia, Egypt, Yemen which happens to be one of my favorite countries, India, Pakistan, England, France, Netherlands, Singapore, Kenya, Canada, Dubai, Sri Lanka, Cancun Mehico, and of course California (the land of Benaat Helewain, which is a damn shame, cuz most of them are kufaraat) Oh well, C'est la vie...

Here are some more pics so CLICK HERE

This is pretty cool too, it tells you what your name means. It even had my name and my brother's name well as any name you can possibly think of. I was a tad amused by it, because it said my name was detrimental to my health. I'll get ulcers and other instestinal problems. Yeah, whatever. What DOES ur NAME mean? Click HeRe

If you want to check out Yemen, or all the other exotic Middle Eastern Countries, Click HERE

I'm also Muslim, here is a saying by The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: "The life of this world compared to the Hereafter is like the water which clings to one's finger when dipped into the vast ocean."

Isn't that Deep?

If you would like to learn more about Islam, then try visiting this awesome Islamic Homepage.

Link to the Best Cars in the World BMW!!!

If your a stud, you'll drive this in the future...insha'Allah (God Willing).

Oh, I also have my cute little brother's picture...hmmm..yes, I too have noticed the distinct resemblance.

Here's a link for you SKi Studs and Studettes So Click here for Ski Stuff

PicTuRES of MOnt Blanc , the mountain I skied in the French ALpS!!! It's in Chamonix, France. It was a 12 mile run, and the mountain is 12,340 feet!

Umm actually the picture didn't transfer..yeah i know, it's a damn shame

Oh yes, I'm sure you want to know more about the Benaat Helewain (ie Cute Chicks in my life), so I decided I would devote a link to them as go there NOW!



Here are some more Links to Check ouT


The Tragedy of Karbala


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