Japanese | English |
ichi | one |
ni | two |
san | three |
shi | four |
go | five |
roko | six |
shichi | seven |
hachi | eight |
ku | nine |
ju | ten |
ju ichi | eleven |
ju ni | twelve |
ju san | thirteen |
ju shi | fourteen |
ju go | fifteen |
ju roko | sixteen |
ju shichi | seventeen |
ju hachi | eighteen |
ju ku | nineteen |
ni ju | twenty |
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
Bunkai | boon-kigh | Application of Kata |
Dan | don | Degrees of Black Belt |
Dojo | doe-joe | Karate school |
Domo arigato | doh-moh ah-rhee-gha-toe |
Thank You |
Gi | gee | Uniform |
Hajime | ha-jim-may | Begin |
Ippon | ee-pon | Point |
Isshinryu | iss-shin-rue | One Heart Way |
Karate | kah-rah-tay | Empty hand |
Karate-ka | kah-rah-tay kah |
Student |
Kata | kah-tah | Form |
Kiai | key-eye | Karate yell |
Kime | key-may | Focus |
Kumite | koo-me-tay | Sparring (or) fighting |
Kyu | cue | Rank under Black Belt |
Maki wara | mah-key wah-rah |
Punching board |
Mizu Gami | miz-oo gah-me |
Shinto water goddess (on patch) |
Obi | oh-bee | Belt |
Osh | ush | Stop |
Rei | ray | Bow |
Sensei | sen-say | Instructor |
Shiai | she-eye | Promotional ceremony |
Shihon | she-han | Teacher's teacher |
Yame | yah-may | Stop |