Japanese Numbers

Japanese English
ichi one
ni two
san three
shi four
go five
roko six
shichi seven
hachi eight
ku nine
ju ten
ju ichi eleven
ju ni twelve
ju san thirteen
ju shi fourteen
ju go fifteen
ju roko sixteen
ju shichi seventeen
ju hachi eighteen
ju ku nineteen
ni ju twenty

Miscellaneous Terminolgy

Japanese Pronunciation English
Bunkai boon-kigh Application of Kata
Dan don Degrees of Black Belt
Dojo doe-joe Karate school
Domo arigato doh-moh
Thank You
Gi gee Uniform
Hajime ha-jim-may Begin
Ippon ee-pon Point
Isshinryu iss-shin-rue One Heart Way
Karate kah-rah-tay Empty hand
Karate-ka kah-rah-tay
Kata kah-tah Form
Kiai key-eye Karate yell
Kime key-may Focus
Kumite koo-me-tay Sparring
Kyu cue Rank under Black Belt
Maki wara mah-key
Punching board
Mizu Gami miz-oo
Shinto water goddess
(on patch)
Obi oh-bee Belt
Osh ush Stop
Rei ray Bow
Sensei sen-say Instructor
Shiai she-eye Promotional ceremony
Shihon she-han Teacher's teacher
Yame yah-may Stop
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