DEATH'S DOOR: The Online Abode of Azrael Exusiai

Did you ever notice how in the Bible, whenever God needed to punish someone, make an example, or whenever God needed a killing, he sent an angel? Did you ever stop to wonder what kind of a creature an angel would have to be? A whole existance spent praising your God, but always with one wing dipped in blood. Would you ever
want to meet and angel?

I'm here I'm here the Angel of Death

"Alone of God's Angels Death has no love for gifts,
Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice.
He has no altar, and hears no hymns;
From him alone Persuasion stands apart."

Almost a decade ago, I began my experiance of surfing the web. As with everyone else I thought, debated, and selected a name for myself. I was Depressed, going through a divorce, and well as a human being and a man I felt Dead. And so it was with that thought that I choose "Azrael" as my online moniker. This was back when the Online world was just starting with online Roleplaying. EVERYONE was playing Vampires. And So I became (Online) The Angel of Death. I went through several Avitars, and have now finally settled upon Gerard Butler's portrayal of the Phantom of the Opera as the Perfect Image.

When I originally started running around online it was just the name. Plus all the Vampires were scared of me, Long White Wolf Story there. However after some research, and study, I grew more attached to the name. And so, now here it is almost a decade later. And I am still Azrael.

Research led me to find the name ment "He whom God Helps". Poking around Hebrew/Islamic translation sights I stumbled across the Name "Exusiai" (Which is also a Choir of Angels). this name Translates "With Great or God Like Power". Slapped together Azrael Exusiai translates as "He whom God grants power". and that I liked alot. So Azrael obtained a last name. A name which I answer to more than Azrael. (Ex Just is easier than Az I guess)

The Angel of Death holds place in many cultures. In Wiccan culture Azrael is the angel you would call on at those times of grief to comfort those loved ones left behind. there are times when I feel I am the One Everyone Calls on for comfort.

And so I now invite you to enter my online world. Fragments of my mind lie scattered around this place. Feel free to enjoy whatever it is you see.

Your Obedient Friend and Angel

Now come........

Death is only the Beginning