I do not believe that there is any other Tori song that has ever effected me so much as "me and a gun." The funny thing is, when I bought my first Tori CD, I had never heard of the song "Me and a Gun." What are the chances that this song would also be sung by a person who's music I already loved?
So here's my story....how I came to be an ears with feet like all of us are....
I loved this song, well I didn't know who sang it or what it was called, but I loved it. There was a line that went "So you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts, what's so amazing about really deep thought?" Finally on KROQ they revealed the identity of the singer, who would be no other then Tori Amos. Nobody I knew had ever heard of the song, so I went to Virgin Records and looked around at their CDs. I couldn't figure out what was going on. There was four separate albums! How the heck was I ever going to figure out which CD had the song on it, without knowing the title??
So, I left the CDs and headed for the singles and found Jackie's Strength and Silent All These Years. I thought Silent All These Years sounded right, so I bought it. From then on, it was a long long journey through all these CDs.
Okay the next step was getting an album. Which? I had only heard Silent All These Years and seen a Jackie's Strength Video. So I walked into another Virgin records and bought at full price "from the choirgirl hotel" without hearing any songs but one.
I took it home and first hated it, then loved it. I played Spark and Playboy Mommy over and over again. Jackie's Strength and Raspberry Swirl became my next two favorites. I soon had listened to every song on that CD so many times it made me sick. So I had to get get something new. I walked into the Wherehouse and found bought Tori's complete collection of videos and the Crucify EP for Smells Like Teen Spirit. (What was Crucify and Winter?) This was New Year's Eve 1998. I took it home, watched it and found that I knew the song Cornflake Girl! So I bought Under the Pink. Then all the rest. So that's the story. I now have 34 CDs and I want more! So I'm off to CDnow to take a look at what I want. I still need the Little Earthquakes video. I can't wait until I get another CD!