Hey hey..  wow its been ages, i don't expect anyone to come here anymore, but if you have somehow stumbled across this once awesome page, then well done!!   here's a prize.. a blast from the past!!  I've scoured through the collection of shit that currently sits in my geocities account, dusted it off and linked to it from this page.. 

The best and worst from the last 10 years (well 6 if you actually count the years the page was up)...  In its original unmodified condition, so its all out of date, completely retarded shit.. in no particular order... None of the links on the following pages will work due to the way i coded the pages back in the day...
But first, if u want to know what im upto these days, here's my Msn space, a little easier than maintaing a full website,  not a lot goes on there at the momment, just an account of my weekends.. lol   i might get around to rebuilding this glorious site, but for now its all about the memories..

My MSN space.. Blog.. Pictures etc

Want to email me, well its changed!  garvani@gmail.com



I actually started to make a new site a few years ago, all in Flash, it was quite cool at the time, i then ran out of motivation about 3/4 of the way through and never finished it..  Since then ive lost the code so this is all it will ever be...

Webpage from 2002

News from 2002




Broken Main page from 2000

Misc page


98/99  The good stuff :-)

Broken Main Page

good god!! Guestbook of old, i get a lot of shit on here.. lol

Old old pics.. damn...

Karls Page

Me page

Desktop of old

Working Cars page..

Funny Page.. well not so much..


Page from 98

REALLY broken main page..
Wish i had that girls page, there was a certain section on a girl called krystle i had a major thing for in 5th form, good god that got me in a big old pile of shit at school.. if only i hadnt of deleted it when i found out she had a copy of it.. LMAO

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