Subway Ride
We made it to another subway station, and unlike the earlier attempt,
we actaully used our tokens to get on the train, not just make friends at
the station and get bar recommendations.
If you think we had a hard time on the subway when we first started
out, imaging what it is like trying to read subway maps after a dozen or
more beers and not even knowing where we are on the map.
After getting a bit too boisterous on the subway car, we thought it
would be in everybody's best interest if we imposed self-banishment into
the steerage section of the train. So we headed out onto a platform
between cars.
What a trip! Those subway cars really move! There was about
18" clearance above the train, with an occasional 12" clearance
from overhead beams or pipes just to make the trip dangerous.
We got plenty of strange looks from riders who were safely riding in
the "first class" sections. I think we passed a homeless
community in one of the side tunnels as we whizzed by.
Only on a subway trip the next morning did we notice the signs clearly
indicating riding between the cars was not allowed and punishable by fine.
Oh yeah, the sign also claimed it was dangerous. But no one had to
tell me. Karen's been reminding me about how foolish it was for
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