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327 West 57th Street

With a bar that shared a name with one of the biggest bar-hoppers in the U.S. Senate, we knew we were in good hands at this place. 

Kennedy's is on the same block as Greg's apartment (that's right, no need to cross the streets when you stumble back home).  They had Keno on the TV, friendly patrons (but who would not share their Keno winnings), and a couple of nice hostesses who were hiding in the back until it was picture time. The people sitting next to us were great... they told us about their grandchildren who lived all over the country... from New Jersey to Long Island!

We knew it was just like old times when Steiny put his head down and rested his eyes for a little while (were his contacts drying up?  Come on Steiny, "be a good shit!").

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sitting in the corner of Kennedy's



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The Mathu Party Page - Kennedy's
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Updated March 24, 2001 says you are number to crash the party!


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