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Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Ouija Boarding Alone - Boarding of this capacity is NOT a safe thing to do. If one is going to do this regardless of all the warnings, you MUST have at LEAST 5 years worth of hours racked up before you can even try.

    The reason is simple. Being on for a year dosn't guarantee that you have come across 85% of the situations out there. When you have 5 years, you've come across everything from pissed off entities, to possesion....

  • Ouija Boarding in Haunted Locations - Once again, unless you have a good grip on what your doing, not a good thing to try. Remember, haunted locations turn the metaphysical into PHYSICAL. I would recommend that you know your stuff before even attempthing this one. Plus, 5 people are also recommended. Also a PKE (Paranormal Kinetic Energy) Meter would be very much advised... because if it starts going into the red zone... you just might want to get the hell out of there... After all, we don't need anymore Amittyville NY cases on our hands do we?

  • Ouija Boarding in Cemeteries - Ill give you the honest truth, I havn't even tried this... reason being here in Phx Az theres not a whole lot of cemeteries readilly accessible... then again, you have to be either very couragous or very stupid to do this... Same rules as the Haunted Locals...

  • Boarding at Parties - Yeah, I know it seems like a very cool thing to do for some of you... However, if your going to do this, make sure the being in question knows EVERYONE who is there. Also make sure the being has said yes to this.

    Check these out before you do it.

    1. Music - can be very detramental to this. Loud thrashing headbanging music might be good for some entites, but not for most. Turn it low.

    2. Sharp Objects - Always a good idea not to make any of these easily accessable.

    3. Loud Parties - Not a good place to use the board. Loudness offends.

    4. Drugs - Let me first say that if you were to use drugs while boarding, you must really be cruizing for a takeover attempt. Heres the deal, drugs give you less control of your body. An open doorway to speak. Don't do it.

    5. Alcohol - A few brews won't damage the communication, also ask first. Too much alcohol will make you look pretty stupid to those of infinate knowledge and wisdom, UNLESS you have a good repertoire with the being.

  • Belligerent Beings - Use RESPECT and tons of it. Regardless of how hostile they become. If your respectful, they will tire quite quickly.

  • Building of Boards - So you want to build your own board do you? Well, how many years of expierience do you have? Building a board works great for you, because you end up putting ALOT of your own energy into it. However, it also gives the beings on the board more energy to communicate. Simply said, make sure you know the basics of boarding before doing this.

    1. Materials for the board - Hardwood, no plastics or stones. Stone works well only if you have used the board for many years. Otherwise stay to Oak, Maple, Redwood... those are what I would recommend.

    2. Materials for the Planchette - Once again use wood. Preferabls same type as the board. As for the legs, you can use wood screws and wood glue. If your going to make an eye, glass or clear plastic works. Otherwise just leave it as a hole, or make it like a pointer. Use felt for the pads.

    3. Where to buy materials? Your friendly neighborhood Home Depot has all the stuff to use.
      1. If you have other questions that I have not covered, please go here. 1