Now, people have different ways that they look at the Talking board... There are usually 3 ways people refer to these boards.
Now let's look into the Paranormal bit for a second. There are alot of people who have supposedly spoken to a dead relative or friend... Now how does this happen one might ask? Well, the "Spirit" of the person would "technically" have to do one of two things. One would be to become "locked" inside of the board, the other would be a brief meeting on it. Now the locking into a board happened back in the 13th century by the first Witch'es, they would really capture an "evil" spirit and "lock" him in the board. The outcome is known as a "Posessed" board, which are the most dangerous boards known, but are few and far between. Now a Possessed board runs by two things, the first is the "Spiritual" realm (which is what the normal "Talking Boards" operate on), the other is the "Physical Realm" which is what makes this board dangerous. The ability to manifest oneself into a physical happening or form (an example of which being doors being physically locked and items being thrown.). How a deceased person is expected to be "trapped" on a "Posessed" board is anyones guess. There really has been too few documentation on the original 13th century act of this type. So, as we choose to speculate, let us move on.
The next piece would be the Sub-Conscious idea. This refers to your mind telling you things while you are awake and instead of a dream state. I have no problem shooting down this idea, how many of you that have actually used a "Talking Board" have had an entity on there cuss you out? Probably a good group of you. That's why I personally don't put any stock into this idea. Sub-Conscious would be the left brain speaking to the right brain in the form of the planchette
Now let's move over to the final idea. The idea that it's a dimensional communication piece. Which is an idea that while you are speeking to a "Demon", or "Spirit", they are in another dimension. Now, the human idea of dimensions only goes up to the 4th.
Now I have been a user of the board itself from 1993, and I was given the information that they are in the sixth dimension. Which we could call the "Spiritual Dimension". Now, the larget part of the Dimension idea is that the "Demons" and "Spirits" are not much different than us in most ideas, but I will get back to that on the next link. The major deal is, those who belive this way think that the difference between them and us is that they are more technologically advanced than us by like 20 fold.
So those are the three main types of ideas that people look at when getting involved in this type of "communication".