What this page does, is tells you, the user what we are doing with the site, and how the plans will affect you. It will also go into side activities, and general voting polls or other type things. Thank you all again for making this page one of the greatest on the net.
Today I went over most of the gramatical areas on the site, these should now be few anr far between. Also changed the way some of the menus were stated so you can find things easier. Also added a main demonology menu to the main page. Added a "main page" button to the Ouija menu for those users who didn't know there was a main menu. - 5/19/00
As of Friday the 13th, I had interviews from the Az Rep. You should see an increase of Activity on the site. Will be listed on the Oct. 26th issue.
Today I changed the form that emails me to make sure people put in their FULL email address. Also am running some thoughts on a "Users Tips" area for the Ouija menu... Also thinking on adding some more Advanced Ouija learning areas. Im working via work as of no phone line, so it's coming about slowly at the moment. You'd think I could figure a way of making this into a money maker! - 9/26/00
Changing over link colors to make them easier to read, as well as changing certain texts or backgrounds that make it hard to read. - 5/02/00
Just changed over to www.witchboard.org! - 4/27/00
Will also be adding some new menus.
Those of you heavily waiting on the Demonology area, don't worry. It's coming soon. I'm waiting for a special book from England that has over 2,000 deffinitions on the Fallen, and Demons.
By the way, the FAQ site is up.... 2/04/00
www.witchboard.com is a sight now... its not a real Ouija site for the most part, but it is a site. Looks like I will work in the .org since I do nothing for money.
Please bare with me on answering all your emails. Ouija isn't very easy, and most people send me more then 2 paragraphs worth of stuff. Im the only one answering your emails.
New add ons coming soon... more on Demonology, Ouija Stories, and a FAQ (Freq. asked questions) for all those of you who want a quick answer.
Good to be back, got my new house mostly together, so I will be here more often. This weekend I will be doing an update. 11/04/99
Im working on implementing the Seance pages soon. The menu is set up, and the rest of the document should be open by this Friday. If there are any problems, I will let you all know. 4/26/99
WWW.WITCHBOARD.COM has been retrieved by me once again. However URL forwarding will not stop till late November or December. 4/6/99
Added a stats program to some of the pages that helps me determine who viewed what, and when.4/6/99
Added new stories, off the main menu. Will be adding more within the week.4/6/99
WWW.WITCHBOARD.COM has been picked up by another party. As for now, they are not using it. It was purchased on May 18, 1998. I am trying to convince them to let go of it. If not, we will be www.WITCHBOARDS.COM 7/22/98
As of new changes, I am implementing Chat for you users out there, AND ICQ so you can contact me If I'm not on-line. Also, If you sign up to the e-mail list on this site, you will be getting "Ouija Projects" to do with your boarding, all these will help you to upgrade your skills. 7/7/98
The Paranormal Information Exchange was activated.... however, I have no knowledge on how many people are using it.
As of now, I have implemented a Ouija Mass Mailer, Ouija Forum, and changed the location of the Guest Book on our site.
What the Mass Mailer does is, it allows me to send e-mails concerning Ouija events, major stories I think deserve to get noticed, and ads from those in the "Paranormal Arena".
The Ouija Forum allows you the users to post your own Ouija stories, thoughts, and ideas. I will also post a Seance Forum if there are enough requests for it. 4/21/98
The password, user I.D. plan was scrubbed. Geocities does not allow it. 4/21/98
I am planning on putting in a member link that you must enter a user I.D. and password to enter. This will ensure the safety of our standard web users e-mail addresses so they don't get spammed. If you have any thoughts or ideas on how to do this, please e-mail me. 2/26/98
What this means to you the general user, is that this site will be easier to find, no more searching or guessing at the URL.
What this means to me, is that this site will have EXCELLENT exposure. For all those on the web looking for "Ouija" type sites, they will be able to find them. (11/13/97)
Well, we received out first set of HATE MAIL today. I guess whenever you try and do a service for the general populace, some 4th grader will try to cut you down. I am not going to display it do the amount of profanity involved. So you evil leaches, keep em comming. This site isn't going to stop anytime soon.
And THAT is a promise. (11/7/97)
I already have the picture of the Parker Brothers factory. It's converted into jpg now... AND its on the site! (11/13/97)
Well, the Background thing we could never figure out. Some people had red backgrounds, others had the wood.
Theres nothing real new on Ouija/Seance/ stories... no one has sent me any new ones as of yet. When You do, I'll put them up. Thank you.