Seven Dwarfs' Home Page
To The Seven Dwarfs' Hut

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Hi,everyone. We are the seven dwarfs.Consisting of Jinhui(Grumpy), Jieying(Happy), Carmen(Bashful), Yingzi(Sleepy), Qianting(Doc), Lilin(Dopey) and Lishan(Sneezy).

Now that the 'A's are over, we decided to upgrade our home.Right now, ALL of us are trying to secure jobs with considerable pay. Anyway, wish us all the best in our job hunting!!

Brief history of our encounter: The 7 of us met in Crescent. We were in the same class for two years (Sec 1-2). Fate brought us together. (some of us were in the same class for 4 years!) We were brought even closer together, thanks to the tyranny of our VP then, Miss Yeo Geok Choo, who caught us playing with WATER, on the last day of school in year 1993, which happened to be the last day in our old school compound in Queensway.

After the 'O's, we went on to different Junior Colleges, namely ACJC, AJC, SAJC n TJC.

We managed to keep in contact wif each other thru band performances (4 of us in the band: grumpy,sleepy,dopey,sneezy) n birthday outings.

Jinhui(Grumpy),our Lao3 Da4 Jie3 is the oldest & undisputed 'everything I also wan 2 noe'. Many of us go to her when we are faced with problems(whether of the HEART or otherwise), she'll try her utmost to employ her expertise in this area of concern.Heehee.

History: Ai Tong Primary School (1986-1991) Crescent Girls' School (1992-1995) Anglo-Chinese Junior College (1996-1997)

Jieying(Happy),our Lone Ranger in Anderson.Alwaz soo busy with her 'family' affairs.Must even make an appointment with her when we want to go out.Obsessed with stars....Thanks to her service with the AJ Astro....& Photographic Society.Currently working with Sleepy in the Jurong Bird PARK....Well' we wish her all the best in 'feeding the birds'.Haha.

History: Raffles Girls' Primary School (1986-1991) Crescent Girls' School (1992-1995) Anderson Junior College (1996-1997)

Carmen(Bashful),student leader in SAJC. An 'aspiring' musician who has learnt the harmonica n guitar.The ONLY person among us who actually appreciates the fine arts,BUT she's not the kind of Arty Farty person U think she is.A very Sporty person she engages in many kinds of sport....sharing a common love for basketball with our DEER Doc!!!

History: Mei Chin Primary School (1986-1991) Crescent Girls' School (1992-1995) Saint Andrew's Junior College (1996-1997)

Yingzi(Sleepy),a ming2 fu2 qi2 shi2 one!! Juz look at the photos n u'll know! Her 'favourite' subject in secondary school......LITERATURE!! Alwayz making ur presence heard thru her grunts n MUCUS!! She never cease to amuse us... especially when she's sick!We wish her all the best in her relationship wif... ermm....!!!! HEEHEE!

History: Raffles Girls' Primary School (1986-1991) Crescent Girls' School (1992-1995) Saint Andrew's Junior College (1996-1997)

Qianting(Doc),the pioneer of this homepage.....Who has so graciously offered her computer for this home page to be grumbles..erm... from her.A self proclaimed basketball fanatic,she really IS good in the sport....also nobody can beat her in the number of hours clocked in front of the TV....Hoho.

History: Pearl's Hill School (1986-1991) Crescent Girls' School (1992-1995) Temasek Junior College (1996-1997)

Lilin(Dopey), one of the most talkative chatterboxes, become EXTREMELY 38 after the ULTIMATE infuence of LAO DA Jie!! A PIG who eats anything and everything to compliment 'the chilli''s a wonder y she never grows FAT! BUT.... she's very scared of FACE-FAttening stuff!!?????? An irc addict... she leaves many wondering how she looks like...... Dopey lah wat else..... HEEHEE HOHO HAHA!!

History: Zhangde Primary School (1986-1991) Crescent Girls' School (1992-1995) Anglo-Chinese Junior College (1996-1997)

Lishan(Sneezy), a ming2 fu2 qi2 shi2 one oso!! One who likes to blow her own trumpet... a real one lah!! The 1st elected bandmajor in the Crescent Symphonic Band who led the band to winning the GOLD in the 1995 SYF Indoor Band Competition! A fun loving and adventurous gal....

History: Tiong Bahru Primary School (1986) Keng Seng Primary School (1987-1991) Crescent Girls' School (1992-1995) Temasek Junior College (1996-1997)

We promise to decorate this hut very beautifully so that you friends out there who are visiting our hut now will feel the warmth of our hut too.

By the way, if you friends out there like this hut and would like to bring your friends in, do feel free to do so. All are welcome to our hut. So, please help to spread the message around.Adieu!!

Send your queries to any dwarf.

If you wish to contact us through ICQ, our ICQ user names are as above.



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Last updated on 9th September 1998

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