Sept. '01
I'm finished school, graduated in June with honors (thank you, thank you). Made the move to Fort McMurray, and I'm looking for employment.
Nov '01
Well Fort McMurray was a bust, I emailed, faxed and dropped resumes off all over and no serious considerations. Moved back to Red Deer and things are looking up for employment here.
Nov '02
Well lots have happened since I last updated. I was the receptionist at a Well Services company in Red Deer, got "promoted" to Accounts Payable, then switched positions with another girl; now I'm in Logistics. I am learning so much about the oil industry. I'll be moving soon to a 4-plex, hoping that'll be good.
June 2003
Well I'm moved into my new place, got me 2 adorable kitties (Meshoo & Terwilliger) pictures to come soon. I'm still in Dispatch, still liking it for the most part. Going to shave my head this summer for the Canadian Cancer Soceity, I'll post those pictures as well. Other than that I'm trying to remain sane in this crazy world.
October '03
Well I've got another job at a clothing store, I'm still a dispatcher but 7 days off was just a little too long for me. I get half off everything in the store - I'm SO excited. Lacey is off in Australia; she's had a few bumps along the way but she's good. I bought a 79 gallon fish tank and I'm loving that. One of my fish recently laid/hatched some eggs so I have a hundred or so baby fish (fry) swimming around. She's a very protective mother.
Feb '04
Hmmm... let's see. I've been seeing a guy since the middle of December, granted he's been working up north since the middle of January so who knows what's gonna happen (he has called me though). One of my female convict fish thinks that she has to re-populate the entire world with her offspring so I had to donate half my fishes to MLPS. I've also shut down my 20G, and put all those fishes in with the convicts, needless to say not all of them survived. I lost my platies to the hungry convicts, but so far that's all they've eaten. I'm getting out of convicts now, I want a less aggressive fish & ones that aren't going to breed every second day (for all of you out there that don't know - convicts are the rabbit of fish). I haven't quite decided what I'm going to put in my tank, I may even decide to make it a salt tank... who knows. I still love it though, very calming. Work is good, gotta love my cementers... they keep me laughing (and somewhat sane). My other job is good too, they've cut back my shifts a lot so now I'm only working 1-3 days of my days off instead of 5-6 (which sucked). Oh yeah... Lacey is coming home in a couple of weeks, her best friend Collette is getting married to my brothers friend Brad... so really if it weren't for my family this couple might not have gotten together. ;) Anywho, I'm looking forward to the wedding.
Aug 2004
Well let's see... what's happened so far this year... Dumped the guy, he was a deadbeat. Got a couple raises at work, that's nice. Got paintballed while driving... that sucked but I'm not too badly damaged. Gonna quit Penningtons cause it's just not fun anymore and it's gonna screw me come tax time. That's about it. Cats are good, fish are still breeding.