Rasta's  Home  Page

My name is Tom, and I am nicknamed Rasta, because my friends have always thought I was a Black Man, born inside out.
I  have an affinity with black culture and music, and although I was born white, I have always been color blind.

I have been a sailor in the Canadian Navy since 1973, when I joined as a Marine Engineering Technician.
I have served on the ships: HMCS Annapolis, HMCS Margaree, HMCS Nipigon, HMCS Skeena, HMCS Ottawa,
HMCS Cormorant,and my last ship,HMCS Athabaskan.

Shore postings have included various staff and instructor positions at the Naval Engineering School (CFNES)
and the former Fleet School (CFFS) Halifax, and in Naval Management in Ottawa.


Find out more about me         Send me EMAIL


"Until the color of a man's skin, is of no more significance, than the color of his eyes... there has got to be war"
- Hon. Robert Nesta Marley, O.M.

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 Updated 7 Nov 1998
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