Ta-Daaah! :-)

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  I Am | My Interests | More On Me | My Match

Height:  Without shoes, I stand at 6' 2" tall. But, when I slip on my favourite pair of '70's-era disco platform boots then look out! lol
Hair:  Yes. It's true. I have hair. In fact, I have thick, rich, intelligent, lustrous, gorgeous, dark brown hair that you can run your fingers through and say,"Ooooh! Now that's what I call hair!". 
Eyes:  I have deep, sparkling, ocean-blue eyes that can gaze into your own and see right into the depths of your soul and uncover all the hidden dreams that lie within...  hahaha   No, I just made that last part up. But it sounded pretty good, huh? I do have blue eyes, though. 
Body Style:  When completely nude, I weigh in at 175 lbs. with a lean yet muscular, athletic, well-defined, rock-hard yet cuddly soft, chiselled, powerful, tough yet sensitive, sleek and graceful body surrounded by a brilliant aura of wholesomeness and goodness. Perky buttocks too! ;-) lol
Race/Ethnicity:  Actually, I'm White. (According to my calculations, I'm 106.84% Polish. Wait a sec, I think my calculator is broken...)
Religion:  Not Religious (I used to think/hope that a kind & compassionate God may exist but I've pretty much given up on it.)
Education:  Some University. I went off to study electrical engineering at university straight after high school with the ill-conceived notion that such a respected place of Higher Learning could make me realize my life-long dream of... becoming smart. And all the nice folks at university and I, we all tried our darndest to make me smart. But, alas, as you can probably already see we've failed miserably.
Languages: I'm fluent in English and Polish and I know a smattering of French and a few choice words in Russian. I'm also trying to learn the two phrases, "I am happy and excited to see you." and "Yes. That is a banana in my pocket.", in a diverse array of foreign, strange-sounding languages. Because I never know when I will suddenly find myself in the midst of a foreign (and possibly hostile) country surrounded by foreign-looking, strange-sounding and possibly armed natives. I've been told that those two phrases should help smooth out any misunderstandings.  
Voice:  Huh? My voice? Here? On the Internet? You betcha! Just reply to me and I'll email you a super-spiffy digital sound file which you can download. And, as soon as you hit the 'Play' button on the afore-mentioned sound file, your immediate surroundings will be joyously filled with the sweet lilting melody that can only be my voice. I'm sure the prospect of that is more than enough to convince you to write me ;-)   Hmmm... did I say 'sweet lilting melody'?   AaaaaHahahahahahahaha... AaaaaHahahahahahahaha... Aaaaaah <sigh> That was a good one. 
Occupation:  Exotic Dancer (Just kidding! :-)
Life Purpose: World Domination, what else?
Location:  Toronto, Ontario, CANADA   (For now, but one day I will travel the world!)   
Marital Status:  Single, never married, and looking...
Has Children:  No (But I have a pet rock. Excellent preparation!)
Wants Children:  Yes 
Drinking:  Don't Drink (and have never been a drinker)
Drugs: Don't do drugs (and have never done drugs)
Smoking:  Don't Smoke (and have never been a smoker)
Will Travel:  Any Distance
I Am | My Interests | More On Me | My Match

Hmmm, I'm not really sure what I should say here. Let's just say that a lot of different things interest me. So, email me if you want to find out what all those really,really interesting things are :-)
I Am | My Interests | More On Me | My Match

  What celebrity do people say you resemble?
  I now think I've heard it all. Apparently, I look somewhat like: Edward Furlong (the kid from Terminator 2), Christian Slater (as in the movie Robin Hood), Keanu Reeves (as in the movie The Matrix), David Duchovny (of X-Files fame) and like the kid that played the young Henry Hill in the movie Goodfellas. I fully expect the list to grow longer as time goes on. But, personally, I don't think they've manufactured a celebrity that looks like me. However, I could be wrong. You tell me. I'm cool with pretty much anyone you think I resemble, as long as you don't say I remind you of some black dude or something. That would just be so wrong in so many ways.
  What do you like to do?
  Pretty much anything easy going outdoors: Watching the sun set/rise, looking at waves lap at the shore of Lake Ontario, sit on a hillside and watch people/life pass by, joke around with friends, just chill and talk about nothing with whoever I happen to be with, start conversations with total strangers, hanging out at a beach, frolicking naked in flowery meadows... Oops! Too much information! 
  Some of my favorite musicians/albums...
  There are songs/artists/groups I like from every type of music. I listen to it all. Even country! lol 

Here are a few songs that have, for some reason, struck a chord with me. They're made with RealAudio so there's no long downloads. Just click the link for the song and PRESTO! it plays. Listen to 'em. Who knows? Some of these full-length songs may surprise you. You need RealPlayer to listen to them. RealPlayer 8 Basic is FREE so if you don't have it then get it here . (Handy Tip: Listen to them after you're all done reading for maximum 'ad text' enjoyment.)

1. Dirty Magic, The Offspring

2. Nothing Else Matters, Metallica

3. Comedown, BUSH

4. Everlong, The Foo Fighters

5. O Fortuna, From: Carmina Burana by Carl Orff

  I'd also like to say...
  Thanks for reading all this way so far. I'm glad you still wanted to scroll down after seeing my pics. It's a real compliment! :-)  Anyway, I'm (ideally) trying to find my soulmate any way I can (including, obviously, over the Internet), but if you'd prefer to be 'just friends' then that's cool too. So, wanna be my friend or possibly more? :-) Please write me because I'd love to hear back from you. Your age isn't really important since I'm basically of the belief that, to a great extent, age is an attitude and doesn't have much to do whether someone has a good head on their shoulders or not. But, I am looking for someone who's nice, kind, friendly and who takes good care of themselves (ie. is fit and in good shape, isn't a hardcore drug abuser, etc.)  I'm a bit more selective than just that but it's difficult to describe some of the things one is looking for by just using words (ie. physical attraction, etc). Wow! I wrote a LOT. So, write me a LOT (if you haven't already done so) when you respond. Tell me all about yourself, write at least as much as I have in this ad (and answer the same questions I did) and, if you can, include a pic or two as you've already seen how I look like. I have ICQ but it's messed up somehow so do NOT try to ICQ me because I will never get your message. Just email me. As a matter of fact, here's a handy-dandy quick 'n easy ready-to-fill-out form. It has been meticulously hand-crafted to perfection. Just for you ;) I'd just like to finish off by saying that it's entirely possible that I may not be the kind of person you're looking for as a soulmate/friend or vice-versa. But, maybe you know of some girl (or girls) who may be interested in taking a look at this Web site of mine. In that case, can you please help me by passing along this Web site to them. And hopefully, like a tiny self-propagating amoeba in this great Sea of Love called the Internet, this homepage will spread far and wide enough that it'll eventually reach the eyes of my future soulmate and will have helped me gain some great  friends in the process. Pass my Web site on to some friends quickly and easily by simply clicking here orby simply emailing the Web address of this Web site to your friends. Thanks for reading all this and helping me out. Have a peachy day :-) Take care and bye. 

  (When replying, please be sure to type in my email address exactly as shown otherwise, if you have even just one character wrong or missing, your email will never reach me.)
  Personal Thought or Quote...
  "But is the best you can be the best thing to be?" -Crossroads, The Offspring 

"Never play leapfrog with a unicorn. Think of the consequences." lol -Ancient Proverb 

"Take life one day at a time. It passes by pretty quickly." 

"Where it ends, it usually depends on where you start."- Everlast 

I Am | My Interests | More On Me | My Match

Height:  No preference
Body Style:  Average, Petite, Athletic or Slim/Slender
Race/Ethnicity:  European (ie. White)
Religion:  No Preference
Education:  No Preference
Income:  No Preference
Smoking:  Prefer they don't smoke around me, at least.
Drinking:  Doesn't drink or drinks occasionally
Drugs: Doesn't do drugs