Immortality, the inability to age and die, is seen by some as the ultimate goal, but for those who have been gifted with it, it often seems the curse. Who wants to live forever? who wants to let their loved ones age and wither away while they stay young and strong. To those who have seen the ages come and go, who have watched their friends and family grow old immortality stops being joy and soon becomes a simple, and sad fact.

One would think that being born to one of the most powerful and long lived races would have been preperation for immortality, but ever since his soul was taken and placed in the loveing care of a goddess, and his life extended indefinatley, he has not been quite the same. It is said, that what can scare those who are already dead, but what of those who can not die? The answer is simple, death. Kilrathi is frightened of death, but not his own, of his three children, he knows he will watch at least one of them die not to mention a large majority of his friends, all while not ageing.

Through out the many centuries that Kilrathi has been alive, he has learned much about wizardry and warfare makeing him a truley formidable apponent in any fight. His immense skil and power combined with complete fearlessness of being immortal allows him to take risks in combat and survive. This has proven to be the downfall of more then one over eager opponent, as well as ones who's confidence in their skills where justified, because they where surprised when their attacks came without meeting any defense but an offense. However despite his incredible skills he is a pacafist at heart, and would rather sit at home talking then off makeing war, slow to anger when angry he is a force to be reckoned with.
Name: Kilrathi
Race: Gold Dragon
Alignment: lawful good
Age: 2045
Level:34 fighter 15/Wizard 19
Human Form
Eyes: gold or black speckled with pinpricks of light like minature 
Hair: black
Height 6'4
Weight 194 lbs
Notable Features: has a crescent shape scar curveing around his left 
always dresses in black

Eyes: gold
Scales: gold
Mane: Black
Body length: 194'
Tail Length: 183'
Wingspan: 182'


Special Abbilities:
Detect Gem
Detect Lie
Animal summoning
Communicate with any inteligeant creature
Water Breathing
Immunity to poisonous gasses
Fire Imunity
Immunity to normal missiles(dragon form)

Breath Weapons(dragon form only)
Cone of fire 90' by 30'
Cloud of toxic gas 50' by 40' by 30'

Equipment(human form only)
Katana+4 Daishi, enchanted blade containing a slight part of his soul 
makeing it nearly indestructable by normal means, and is eternally sharp

Robe of Pockets, enchanted coat that the inside is filled with pockets similar 
to small bags of holding
Pipe, an eternally lit and always full pipe that produces a purpleish 