First of all, I want to give a shout out to all of my OKC friends, especially the ones from WESTMOORE. Guys: Nhan,(Phi)Long, Tri, CK)Calvin, Orathai, John Le, Jed, Joe, Huy,Tuan, Ivan, Scott, and Martin. Girls: Esther, Uyen, Ly, Mai Anh, Kim, Kathy, Jenny, Quincie, Bic, Linda,Anh, Trang, and Tram. Sorry if I forgot anyone!! To my online friends. Ada, Cathy(s), (Princess)Jenn, Leah, Bo, Ann Celine, Laura, Tony, Jay, Yen, and Rebecca. Once again, if I forgot someone, so sollie. I think you guys are the greatest friends in the world and nothing will ever change that. This world really does go around cuz of you guys. Thank ya mucho.