The Idea

                              Better than a thousand useless words
                       is one single word that gives peace..
                       Better than a thousand useless verses
                       is one single verse that gives peace..
                       Better than hundred useless poems
                       is one single poem that gives peace....

    The above are words of the Dhammapada, said around 2300 years ago.. Let's act according to it...
No one in this globe can live in peace if she/he does not respect the "LIFE" of others.. life got it's special holiness, no matter if it's a life of a human being or an animal... Unless we respect this holiness of life we'll never find peace...
You had no choice to come to this life on the shape and color you came in, neither the others do. Then there is no logic in dealing with others according to what they didn't had a chance or control to be.
We are all equal, no matter what our color or ideology is, we are facing the same problems on this globe, let's not make it more complicated, we need to cooperate together for a better future for our children, we have to start a serious thinking of our environment , about the poverty problem, a serious thinking of better disease control, a serious thinking of better commercial communication, a better thinking of better education for our children and a better thinking in living together instead of killing each other.
I personally suffered from wars, we all know that destruction is the only thing we'll earn from it. War never solved a problem, in fact the opposite is true, It increased the problems and made it more complicated, I know we have to defend ourselves, but from the early beginning, and before the situation reach to war, everybody must realize that the human being got it's personal holiness, and war should not start in respect to this holiness...
This is difficult, I know, but if we start believe in this idea, and start teaching it to our children, we'll get a day we reach peace...Peace which as Franklin once said "Even peace be may purchased at too high a price..." unfortunately !!!

" The wise should surrender speech in mind, mind in the knowing self, the knowing self in the Spirit of the universe, and the Spirit of the universe in the Spirit of peace..."
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