Our Family Page!
Here's where it all began about 12 years ago...
December 3rd, 1989
Madeline (Maddy), age 9 Savannah (Nina), age 7 Julianna (Juice), age 1
What's Been Happening!
2001 found us attending Mark's 20th High School Reunion, Jefferson High's Class of 1981
About a week later,
the girls were
VERY excited to
be going back to school!
Before any of us knew it, it was September 14th.  Juice's 1st Birthday!!
H  A  P  P  Y         H  A  L  L  O  W  E  E  N  !!!
Nina turned 7 on November 2nd . 
2 weeks later, she became a yellow belt!
Thanksgiving Morning...  Turkey Trot!!
(Our 9th Annual)
Hard at work again!  I love my job!
The Company
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email:   mmarkm63@tampabay.rr.com
Page updated: 11/23/2001