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Just Rags

Alaska, God's glory in full view for all to see.



I am a song writer. I play harmonica, mandolin, and piano. I sing only in order for my songs to be heard. The song you hear playing is called "Now That It's Over". If you can not hear it you need to pick up Crescendo. Write to me and I will send you to the page you can download it.

Just Rags Music

To see where I work and who I work with, just click on the Just Rags Work link below.

Just Rags Work

I am and have been a Denver Bronco fan. I am very proud of the Denver Broncos and all that they have done. I am thinking that they have a very good chance to make it all the way this year. I know that their record last year was poor but, they did not lose many games by more that a few points. All they need to do is to believe that they can do it with the new Denver Broncos!

Just Rags Denver Broncos Page

My web site at GCI

My web site at Virtualve

Below you will find some links to some of my friends sites,and other sites of intrest. Please visit them and enjoy. Let them know I sent you to them.

The Gould's


Son Henry (Great Local Blues Man)

Mr Bills

Insane in the Brain

Here is a great way to see some of the beauty of this great state, Alaska. Try it out and then mail me back with your thoughts. Also Yellowstone is another great link to my home in Wyoming.

Three-Sixty 360 Degree, Alaska in panorama


This site has just about every thing on it that you could ever need. Lots to look at here.


I also love to fish this great state of Alaska with some fly patterns that I tie in the long winter months. Fly fishing and fly tying are two more of my hobbies. Check out some of my patterns in the new book put out by the Alaska Fly Fishers. More links to come soon.

Just Rags Flies

Looking for a little help with your own web page? On this page I will try to add links which will help to make the task easier and more fun. Lots of free stuff here. Just click on the Just Rags Computer Stuff below and have fun.

Just Rags Computer Stuff

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