W e l c o m e
It was a simple appartment with white walls and no personality when we moved in. But a few coats of paint and creativity turned the little two beadroom condo in Long Beach into a stylish, up-town abode.

We first did the kitchen; it was small and easy to handle. The walls are a copper green foux finish with copper accents. KC insisted on getting a black refrigerator despite the premium price that goes along with any appliance that's not white. Now that I see the finished room I'm glad we went that direction.

The livingroom was our next task. Feeling conficent from a succefull job in the kitchen, we knew the larger room would cause no threat.

Wrong! We re-painted that stupid room three times before getting the color right. We finally had to go to a workshop at The Home Depot to figure out what we were doing wrong.

Originaly set out to be a room with Asian theemed accents, our plan has changed towards a more African Safari look. With no direct sunlight, the room is dark without the various lamps and candles we have stratigically placed around the room.

A picture you can't see is of the company lounge, which resides directly behind the livingroom and beside the kitchen. Built for a diningroom, we have opted for a quaint sitting area with chairs, lamps, and tables. It's a perfect area for when guests come to visit.

Click the main photo above to see larger pictures of the living room and kitchen as well as a description of all the elements which make up the rooms.

Just us At Home Around Town Small Trips Write Soon

Ceaser's Palas this year

Palm Spring, KC's birthday

Sea World San Diego

Ventura California

Sunset in Key West