Kitty_Kittykinz's Cat Box

you are visitor and look at my floor

This is my cat box. so get up and sniff around, just watch out for those automatic rakes.

Thanks to Liz and Fallen_Angel. Who helped me with my page.

Here is a list of all my buddies (you can bitch at me later if I missed anyone)
_Honey_Buzz, A_Little_English_Rose, aaronkalvani, alabama_lady99, ammclean_Madirish, amithyst96, anozilander, Aqua_LIZ_Angel, Arch, Bar_None_79, barts_au, beccarlton05, BILLIEANNE1, bink29, BluEyes51_98, bubbles013215, bullseye_74, Butterfly031677, buzzy_bird, chica1499, Catti_Brie_battlehammer, ctontail_98, danettayoung, dewwey2, DJ53_99, Dom_Cool_NZ, duc916_99, Duke_6_6_6, Dutchess610, Dutchguy2000, Eve_00BC, Fallen_Angel_62, fer94gy, Fey_Dragon, fun4now35, gpage99, hillbillybear30, Huggybear4457, I_Got_Some_Shit_To_Say, iculooking_99, idadolphin, Immortal_Beloved25, irisheyes_03_29, Jimmy43_M, jj_ckay, JJ_Military_Junkie, jjohnson46, Joeair_1999, JONO1767, justice1967, keeg67, kldreiling, Knightcrawler_666, Koolc73, ladychat67, leather_man_forever, Linette_40, LuV_BuRnZ, Lympstone22, Master_Spellstruck, MEDICMAN426, minaswidget, mmary_40, MR_HONAKER, mrs_arch_always, Mscrash, navy_girl19_99, nette45, nobleberean, overwelmed, ozbuffy_99, pat1451, pg_rated, Philbeacall, Pittfall_98, POINTBLANK_75006, PoohBear777_m, psycho_dynamic, punk_235, redcrosseknight97, RodzS, RTFLDGR, Sandman_79916, sax1020, Scorpio_grrl_11, scorpion_41_36, sgcodes, ShezaSloeWriter, shimassaki, Shiva_95, sisqo41, SlipandSlide_42, smartNsexy2_, smirkalot2, SomewhatHappyInNorthernNewYork, Spankthemonkeys, sthern_angel, Summer_the_vampire, SunnyD26, sweetyyyyyyy, te_amo_steven, terri_81, Territor, thirty_four_female, twinkles_2000_ca, vealer, volleyball_15229, whiteswanqueen, wildirishgirl26, wildriverrange98, Wolf_ALPHA1_Male, wvadsit, WWLBadger, XedFURBY

A Poem by Sthern_Angel

Campus Ambassador's Mission

I have decided to protest everything
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