Lancaster Chapter

Order Of DeMolay

Lancaster DeMolay is Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
story below

Front row L to R: Jason Hoover, Judah Hoover, Robbie Robinson.
Second row L to R: Alejandro Ali Acevedo,Brad Brabson, Josiah Hoover.
Back Row L to R: Dad Smith, Dad Hoover, Josh Graver

The Lancaster Chapter of Lancaster Pa., can be found at the Lancaster Masonic Center located on Chestnut St. in Lancaster, on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 7:30 pm.


Master Councilor-  Robbie Robinson
Senior Councilor-  Matt Johnson
Junior Councilor-  Ryan Keener
Senior Deacon-  Jason Hoover
Junior Deacon-  Judah Hoover
Senior Steward-  Josiah Hoover
Junior Steward-  Bladimir Perez
Chaplain-  Alejandro Acevedo Ali
Standard Bearer-  Corey McDowell
Scribe-  Josh Graver
New Member- Brad Brabson


Dad Scott Hoover
Dad James McDowell
Dad Jay Warren Smith PDDGM

DeMolay International

Pennsylvania Grand Lodge

Lancaster on the move!!!!!

International Order of Jobs Daughters

International Order of Rainbow for Girls

Photo Album ( soon to come)

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