I hate idiot skanks

Idiot Skanks
I hate Idiot Skanks almost as much as I hate Avril Lavigne. (If that is possible). So I'm sure right now you are all asking yourselves "My Lori, Why do you hate idiot skanks so much?". Actually I'm pretty sure none of you are thinking that however I will explain myself anyways.
Idiot Skanks suck for the following reasons.
Idiot Skanks are a disgrace to the female gendre. They practically prostitute themselves and yet don't seem to realize things like this because clearly they have no brains! Now folks, this may be a little bit shocking, but these so called Idiot Skanks actually DO have a brains they simply choose not to use them or develop them properly. Now I would tend to feel a little bit sorry for someone so unintelligent, however they make life harder for everyone and give nothing back to us (except maybe the occasional laugh, when we are watching Jerry Springer).
So you may be asking yourself "What Defines An Idiot Skank?"
Let me help you find out.

An Idiot Skank posseses the following qualities:
2.Lack or little effort to actually use their brains
3.(optional yet common)Sluttiness
So we ask ourselves, how many people are actually idiot sluts. The answer my friends is TOO MANY!

Signs That You May Actually Be An Idiot Skank
1. You talk lyke diz, bcuz u think dat diz shit is whack yo
2. You have bleached blond hair with ugly black roots
3. Your written work can be corrected by a seven year old
4. You have absolutely no written work.
5. You have no friends.
6. You have hooked up with multiple men in one night
7. Your favorite store to shop at is a skank store (Ex. Sirens)
8. You find yourself skanking it up in the middle of an important event (Ex. The birth of your child, The middle of your math exam, The funeral of a loved one etc)
9. You are willing to use your body to get what you want. And it works
10. You are having trouble understand why Idiot Skanks suck
11. You don't understand half the words in this rant.
12. You don't know what a rant is
13. You are feeling insulted right now
Please note: Just because one or more of the latter applies to you, does not mean you are an idiot skank. These are simply a few of the warning signs

Popular Idiot Skanks Include
1. Britney Spears
2. Christina Aguilera
3. Jennifer Lopez
4. The Local Idiot Skank. You know you have at least one.

For more information on how Idiot Skanks wreck the lives of all the innocent please see rant #4 (coming soon). "The Idiot Skank Who Stole My Boyfriend".
Now I offically hate the world
Thank you for your time.