my live journal
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I'm 24 (almost 25, weird) + I'm married + I have a dog + I have a cat + I own a house + I work a job that only covers an eighth of what I spent four years in school for + I'm attempting to get my MBA + I love shopping + I love drinking with Jen at Keagan's + I love to travel (location must be within 100 miles of the coast) = I'm in debt!
If you can't tell by some of my photos I love the beach.  Any beach will do really.  As long as it's warm and sunny and i have an umbrella to hide under b/c let's face it I fry like bacon.  But I still love the beach.
I love hanging with my friends in Va Beach and Richmond.  I really don't see everyone in Richmond enough so I'm hoping the whole live journal thing can help us keep tabs on each other. 
Hmm...I kinda covered this up above.  But if you still want more who am I to deny your curiosity.  At the beach I have five close friends who I hang out with or keep in touch with on a regular basis.  Jen and I have been best friends (we now refer to each other as sisters) for over 20 years.  Brekke and I have known each other since middle school thanks to some mutual friends and a bunny gram!  Beobs I met through Jen; we all went to high school together.  And Dr. Stephies I met through Jen, who met her at ODU sleeping on the couches. 
Richmond friends consist of Alpha Gam sisters (some now spread throughout the country) :cough-Wallis-cough: and Wayne's friends.