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Alicia's Web Page

Hello ! ! !
This is my webpage. (obviously) Anyway, thanks for coming to look at it. So far there isn't much here, but I'm working on it. I live in Indiana, place of corn and boredom. There are a few not so boring places, but not many. I was born in Pittsburgh in 1984 on July 23.
At the moment I am a sophmore in highschool. The classes I am taking this year are:
Photo, geometry, earth science, world history, band,American Lit., and Spanish 2. I enjoy tennis, hiking and biking. I also love art. Especially drawing, watercolor, and photography. I have a pony, (Sam) cat, (Jennifer) and 2 guinea pigs(Comet and Little Pig). I like guinea pigs a lot. Sometimes they are loud and annoying, but I still like them. I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up, but here are a few ideas: ecogologist, biologist, chemist, cosmologist, glass blower, jeweler, interior decorator, dessert chef, furniture designer, the list goes on... I don't have much more to say so I'll stop.
If you like to write me an e-mail my address is:

1.Guerra's Game Programming Page
The Painter
Six Degrees
Intoon Horoscope (I don't believe in
them, but this site is funny! ! !)

5.Hawaiian Names
Noggin(don't ask)
Dance Site
Top 40 List (music)
Ice Cream ! ! !
Almost as Good as G pigs...