Cornsnake Length Project


I have decided to compile some data on cornsnake lengths. This will be used for finding a new method of measuring your snake. I am postulating that a common ratio can be found for the overall length of the snake to the length of it's tail. Hopefully, this will yield a ratio number which can be used to easily determine the overall length of your snake just by measuring it's tail length. If you would like to contribute your mesasurement info for a cornsnake, please email with the following information:

1. Your cornsnake's overall length
2. Your cornsnake's tail length
3. Your cornsnake's gender (if unknown, say so)
4. Your cornsnake's type (ie: amel, anery, snow, lavender, etc.)
5. Your cornsnake's age (use the following categories)
- hatchling (0-6 months)
- juvenile (6-12 months)
- subadult (1-2 yrs)
- adult (2+ years)
6. The method used to determine length (ie: string, xerox, tube, ruler, etc.)


#     OAL(cm) TL(cm)   SEX   TYPE       AGE     METHOD     OAL/TL
1.    66.25   11.25     U    amel       juv     string     5.8888
2.    52.5    9.375     U    norm/miami juv     string     5.6
3.    38.75   6.25      U    snow       juv     string     6.2
4.    77.5    9         F    norm       sub     string     8.611
5.    56      9.5       M    norm/Oke   juv     string     5.895
6.    122.0   15        F    amel       adu     stretch    8.1333
7.    42.5    3         F    anery      juv     ruler      14.166
8.    120     18.75     M    norm/het   adu     string     6.4

Compiled Data:

OAL/TL Ratio (All)= Not enough compiled data
OAL/TL Ratio Normal = Not enough compiled data
OAL/TL Ratio Amelanistic = Not enough compiled data
OAL/TL Ratio Anerythristic = Not enough compiled data
OAL/TL Ratio Snow = Not enough compiled data
OAL/TL Ratio Okeetee = Not enough compiled data
OAL/TL Ratio Miami Phase = Not enough compiled data
OAL/TL Ratio Blizzard = Not enough compiled data
OAL/TL Ratio Lavendar = Not enough compiled data

Special Thanks:

Gebroni, Maizie, Crystal, Rocky, Elly, Ruby, Eve, Sundance, ???, ???,

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