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Hi, the rowdy piper here. You have just reached my website. (Duh!) Check it out and drop me a line if you feel the need for the soothing sound of the bagpipes or if you have a hankerin for haggis. Bagpipes rule and anyone who says otherwise don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. AND IT'S A KILT PEOPLE, NOT A SKIRT!


Here is a little bit about myself:


* I am 24 yrs. old.
* Graduated from grade 12 at Carlton Comprehensive High School in 2001
* A former CI (Civilian Instructor) and assistant training officer in the #38 ANAVETS Prince Albert Air Cadet Squadron.
* A former glider pilot for the Prince Albert/North Battleford Gliding Center (Air Cadet Gliding Program)and Flight Safety Officer and class 3 instructor for the Prince Albert Gliding and Soaring Club.
* A Transport Canada rated private pilot - soon to be commercial and instructor.
* Currently in a long term relationship with the most beautiful girl in the world, Kristi Dawn Korczak. I am so in love with her and she is definitely the one I am going to settle down and have a family with (in the not too distant future) so no more wearing of the kilt traditional style at the bar :)
* Currently employed as a shipper/receiver for Maxim International Trucks in Prince Albert.


Here Are Some Links to Some Very Cool Sites:


David Hanson's Web Page (This site is whacked!!)

Game Sages - The Cure for the Common Code

NORCANAIR Homepage - Reservations and Charter Info


To tell me what I could add to my web page or just to criticize, e-mail me. All criticism is accepted, but be reasonable!

Here are the email addresses to a few shmucks I know. Email them something... David Hanson, Michelle Pelletier, Dave Nobel , (these guys need YOUR support people so give them a quick hello to make them feel special.)

I used to but am now kicked out of the Star Wars VS Star Trek RPG for reasons I thought were hilarious. You can still seek info on it HERE. Erik needs your support. (pun intended)


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This site was last updated on June 13, 2005

Here, now have some fun: