Grandpa Simpson Sounds!

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abebtch - Oh bitch bitch bitch
dagnabit - Dagnabit!!
doomed - OH no we're all doomed!!
dreams - Helllo your dreams.. we'll see about that *snore*
matlock - MATLOCK!!!
metric - The metric system is the tool of the devil....
nuts2you - Nuts to you!
old - Everybody wants something for nothing, I'm old gimme gimme gimme
screwup - Thats cause your a screw up!! no your the screw up... why you little *choking noises*
shutup - Shut up!
snore - Bart don't you realize the next time we fall asleep we could die....hey welcome to my world *snore*
states - Dear Mr. President there are too many states now a days please elimitate 3.. no I am not a crack pot.