Human rights--- only a joke!

Nazism----is the real world!

People do not belive what you tell them.  You let them see - and hear what is going on with their own eyes and own ears, and they will never be human  agian!  It is so that it is no human right to get a police report investigated and followed up, and thus you have no human rights to avoid criminality towards yourself and your family.  The human rights institutions are the most false institutions in the world that is total corrupted, just to have "fine music" in peoples ears, and no reality.  The human rights institutions are thus also based on acceptance of nazism, just like the state nazi party in Germany 1940-1945.

It is the same communicative situation in Europe between the citizens and their statesmen

as it is between

Amnesty International and the statesmen who are accused of violating the human rights. 

It is the people that meet the brutal power and cannot do anything less that complaining

What is worst, the criminality within the European states or the criminality outside Europe ?  We know the holocaust from 1940-1945, but it is much the same within Europe today and you do not see it.  The UN has focused on these problems about racial boycott etc.  The most elementary rights are not admitted in practice by the civil servants etc.  Every attempt to discuss a matter seriously is rejected, and the person in question becomes a victim of personality attacts, treaths, warfare etc.  Every  correct police statement is refused, that is only false documents produced by the state are accepted.  This is the cruel situation.  National legislation is only international marketing so that people around the world can read about the fine rights.  Today we know that the German nazism was based on American nazism that first took place through sterilization there.  It is also written a book of the assertion that the holocaust could not have taken place without the help of enterprises from the USA concerning registration of jews.  Besides, the nazis had secret agreements with for instance Romania so that the country supported Nazi-Germany with oil.  Much hidden agreements.  Today it is true and known  that the UN Organization accepts nazism by standing outside the cases that take place in different countries.  The UN is a profit-business based on donation from false countries that make holocaust to their playground for fine power takeovers in the world.

It seems that criminality is everywhere.

This homepage has been covered by much legal cases etc from state administrations.  But the world is worse than anybody can imagine.  This site has thus changed to focusing on UN- and Amnesty International cases.

When the legal system does not hold its quality to fight criminality in state organizations we get the corrupt and criminal national system (dictatorship).  In Norway there are only a few judges in the Supreme Court, and all of these come from the clan in the Ministry of Justice.  Thus we know the fact that the Norwegian Supreme Court is very corrupt and that one cannot trust a court decision from the Norwegian legal system.  When people get their decision  they feel that it is nazis that hold control in the Supreme Court.  Convictions are  like blackmailing and punishment towards political enemies.

Logically the richer people are the less they will focus on corruption, especially in state organizations.  They have got their money due to a corrupt system.  In Norway we know the case about Norway that transferred billions to The Icelandic government, and then billions disappeared from the Central Icelandic bank and the banking system.  The corruption is enormous and the advicer Jolly compare the situation to the corruption in African states like Congo.  We know the situation in the City of Mexico  where 500 policemen have been fired due to corruption suspicion.  The situation in Norway is much the same, anyhow, the policemen are not fired.  It is much like the Nazi-Gastapo police during World War 2.  Even police reports are not registred or dealt with.  Noone at the General Attorney or at the Ministry of Justice seems to care about the situation.

About cases from Amnesty International and the UN , just use these links:
Amnesty International
The United Nations
We are informed about the different legislation in different countries.  Minor crimes in some countries imply death penalty there, but in other countries ii is not even regarded as criminal.  And what about legal security, that is a security that a conviction is proved to be right.  We do not even know about legal security in different cases.  It is often so that the persons in power decide upon the legal rules and therby about penalties.  Some people are responsible and some are in war.  It seems to be about power and warfare.