Invasion Theory

     This is the newest, latest, hottest theory of mine. I call it the invasion theory. With the
help of Robin, who introduced me to this theory, we have both agreed that the invasion theory is
the best possible theory that explains World War I and World War II and possibly the final
World War III. Now, I am jumping ahead of myself here. Question : What exactly is this theory ?
Well here it is folks....
     Ok, first of all most of you must be aware and must accept the fact that their have been
and still are human abductions taking place on earth. Now for the theory. We are well aware that
humans have cloned a sheep, and are now growing headless frogs and so on. So for an alien,
who must have far greater technology for them to reach our planet, the process of cloning
humans must be an easy task. So what actually takes place in a human abduction ? Well, Aliens
must take a blood sample or even just a lock of hair. Believe me, I have friends who told me that 
that's  what happened to them. Anyway, with this, they can genetically create a human being,
and reproduce as many of them as they want. Now, with a large population of various human
genetics, don't you think a race of humans could be created on an alien planet ? Well of course
!!! And what are these people being controlled to do ? Well the aliens are small, frail beings
which couldn't kick the shit out of anyone. So they need humans to do so. And logically if they
send humans to our planet, no one could ever suspect a thing, after all, they look, act, and are
     So these humans (which are currently living among us !) have been trained by the aliens
to revolt against us. To revolt so much, that havoc will break out. Thus causing an immense war
between human kind. Well this is obviously what happened during WW1 and WW2 and of
course WWF, WCW, and all of that. This theory also explains why WW3 has not yet occured.
Well the aliens failed to conquer the earth in WW1. So the aliens made re-adjustments to their
race. Then tried again in WW2, to no avail. So what were the aliens to do ? Well what could
they do ? They needed a better more sophisticated race of people. They are currently making a
plot to take over our world. And how ? Maybe they are cloning Mike Tyson so they can have
cannibalistic people, or maybe Pamela Anderson ( you know why ! ) or maybe a race of Evil
Elmo dolls, who will tickle you all to death !!! Well I am not too sure on how, but eventually we
will find out.....At the END OF OUR WORLD !!!!!