LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

Welcome to my homepage. This is truely a homepage of homepages (I know this seems like bad grammar but it's not. I'm not going to very well say it's the homepage of homepages.. thats not what i mean... think about it). Dedicated to me and the things I dig. So, arising from this fact, if u r not like me, or do not aspire to be like me, or have no interest in reading about me and the things i like, yer best bet is to run away, run away now! On the other hand if u r an intrepid traveller of the WWW, u will probably enjoy this site, purely for it's entertainment merit (or demerit..depending on yer outlook fo the whole situation). Now a little about me courtesy of Bob Dylan -w/ a little adlib from me. I'm just yer average common dude i'm just like him and the same as u i'm everybodys brother and son i ain't different from anyone aint no use talking to me it's just the same as talking to u...thank u Bob well said. Now i'm just going to talk for about this amount of time to see if my table here will do what i want it to do.. place yer bets. WOO HOO it did it! So now w/out further ado... This is my homepage.

What does this involve? not much.... what does it prove? nothing .... why? don't ask why just because.

Things That Frequent My Mind

enter the world of the delusional....IF U DARE..HA!

some favorite pictures and letter extracts...

links to some cool pages around, some trivia and stuff, and my personal triuph... Obi-Wan!.. YAY!

*sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak.....BAM*

w/ real good music and organic will be so fine and layed back and mellow and profitable

my everything, well kinda.... but i'm not obsessive and i have a firm grasp on reality

Follow the adventures of Wally Warthog in wonderland....jest'n.

"When I first joined the I don't know what a webring is webring I was sitting at home fruitlessly watching my counter and reading the same old messges in my guestbook. BUT TODAY I sit at home and watch my now DYNAMIC counter and read my many new guestbook entries. It was the best move of my life. I recoment the I don't know what a webring is webring to anyone!"

A reflection on yourself. thats what we offer you here at the I don't know what a webring is webring. contorl and a new brighter outlook lay ahead once you've goined the I don't know what a webring is webring. ACT TODAY!

This i don't know what a web ring is web ring site is owned
by zoot.
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