This page is just to introduce you to some of my online friends.
Just so you know, I'm an IRC junkie. I spend hours gabbing away when i could be doing something useful, like promoting
world peace. I can be found on the undernet, usually in channels #friends and #Glade, where I go as . If you know of some other cool
channels or servers, e-mail me or mention it in my guestbook.
#friends is one of the nicest places I've been. The ops are cool, and it is a good place for some clean chat. Just don't
cuss, flood, or be anything but friendly. The channel has a very interesting homepage that tells you more about it and introduces
you to the ops. I suggest you
casca is one of the most wonderful people I have met, and I really think you should check her page out.
Elizabeth is a good friend I met on the IRC, and she has a very spiffy page. Go see it.
Firewoman, another friend from IRC, also has a really sweet page.
Go back to my home page. If you know of another cool link, put it in my guestbook