When You're Friends This Long Other People Go, "Oooo-kay"

We first met when we were six

Megan sits in her room holding a piece of paper. "At last! I've discovered the reason! It's..." She drops the paper. "Um, oops, just a sec." She begins madly seaching her room. "Here paper paper paper, come on! I've got a treat for you! Look a nice new paperclip! Come ON paper! Please! I beg you!!!" As Megan seaches desperately ((And with my room to no avail)) you notice a folder entitled. "The Meg and Trish story". Upon opening it you discover this...

When Trish and I were little our brothers were in the same Boy Scout troop. Believe it or not Jamie was a Boy Scout! Our moms stuck us together 'cause we were two little girls the same age and we soon became friends. At those meetings we spent the whole time drawing; I remember plans to draw our dream houses, but only getting to the bedrooms. We went over to each others' houses occasionally, and when I was in first grade, and Trish in second, we took a clay class together at Tokeneke. We each made crowns; Trish made a small elegant one, I made a big one with tons of points that were red points in contrast to the white clay the rest of it was made of. The points were little shark-tooth like triangles and I remember telling Trish that I had lots of extras in case some fell off. Way back then we played Zelda in the basement of second house of Trish's that I remember - Red Rose Circle. It had this awesome basement with the "Gift Shop from Hell" in the rafters! Actually, I have no idea what Trish's bedroom from that house looked like, but I remember the basement perfectly!